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Everything posted by qazwiz

  1. OH, thanks, so no more clunk then (actually, no more windos sounds since I fount the "No Sounds" setting... THANK YOU) is there a way to tell windows to stop popping up? (i doubt it but I'd be a poor analyst if I didn't eliminate the possibility) expecting a no, I will again add PLEASE CONSIDER my suggestion that messagebox name sounds so benign but when implimented it acts like the dike has a hole in it the size of a city bus, even though the hole is actually just a pin hole in a small water balloon
  2. I suppose I should also mention that other events show similar pop-ups, but they are somewhat informative so I would not dismiss them automatically (like the one that comes up when a sector fails to verify.... but this can also be annoying when the "failure" can be sluffed off as the burner changing a byte or two because the image file was wrong) Which, I should mention, you appear to have added some fuzzy logic to that area because after throwing away two burns that failed to verify, I read the comments, either in the notification box or else in the log file, after reading "because image file was wrong" I played third burn, that also failed a dozen times, probably in the same places though, and found the burn apparently did work despite the changed bytes that verify found
  3. Ahhhhh...... Probably... the sound (WAV file) is called success and the event in the sound tab is called success BUT.... the notification box I am talking about is a generic windows call, you (the programmer) sends optional text for reading area and for the button itself (I think default text for optional button text is "OK", if text is not specified for button text.. while no text other than button is default for other area) .....(extraneous comment deleted as the clunk sound has now been stopped)...... shoot, you have upload here, I'll just up a bmp of the popup also note: it also has a pop-up on failure, thus my extended suggestions (beyond just a disable check-box) since failure might want a non-focused pop-up that reminds you there was a failure.... even though you might not want focus to be grabbed, you still would want to know it happened, even if you forgot about it, and a non-focused event box would stay there until you had time to get to it NOTIFICATIONbox.bmp
  4. YOU ARE THE BEST! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT But.... there is a hard notification, using a windows notification popup, that grabs focus and won't let you do anything until you click the button while it doesn't qualify as a bug, it bugs the HE!! out of me since I cannot turn it off, not even by turning off the sound notification. which, did I happen to mention, I LOVE IT? The Fix: could we have a check box to eliminate it popping up? also, maybe an option for it to be background (staying until you click) and and maybe even timed (stays preset number of seconds then disappears)? (for those who do want it but don't want the focus to move) and a way to remove it's sound (a quick clunk) would probably be very useful, especially when your sound playing is on CLUNK SOUND-PROBLEM FIXED.... READ ON
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