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  1. 1. I guess I got to tell the company that they sell bad discs. 2. Maybe, maybe not. Some discs work, others do not. 3. Perhaps, it is in any case, old and tired. Which incidentally was why I ordered a new computer for a few months ago. I believe that my discs, although they would not be of the highest quality, is too good to my current burner. Lightning UK! said that the discs have a different dye than my earlier discs. Hopefully, this problem will solve itself when I get the new computer. If it fails too, then I can consider acquiring new discs. But to run away to the shop is not the first thing I do. It was that I tried to say a few posts ago. I hope we understand each other better now! EDIT: I have received my new computer and tested it with the disc. It worked. Like you said, it's probably my old computer which can't use the newer discs. Again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone before, it was not my intention to do.
  2. If I want functional materials, I can pay a company to make burn the discs. And in this case when it is a film I would equally like to be able to buy the movie. That is not the problem. The thing is to solve the problem on a specific set of premises. One of these is to use the discs as already mentioned. Moreover, it is much easier to say "buy new" than to actually solve the problem. Best regards BL89 Moreover it's actually a bit wiser to actually listen when you ask for advice regardless if you like the advice given or not or disbelieve what you were told. By all means burn to your media if you can but if you cannot please do not ask for anymore help whilst using the same media, then have the nerve to say When I wrote I really felt that I was grateful for the responses I received, but I understood that the problem was not possible to solve. Since I will acquire a new burner in any case, I said that I try it and see if it works. In connection with this I also said which readers it was. Case closed. Lightning UK! then asked why I insisted in using what she/he considers to be junk. I reply that the use of these discs are part of the problem and that a change of disc does not solve the problem, it create another situation instead. Of course it is and I have really listened to the councils. New discs may very well solve the problem but what do you think I should do with the old ones? It is not quite that simple. It could be a setting in the program I had done wrong. Thats way I'm asking. And sometimes you don't get the answer you're searching for but you may perhaps learn something else useful instead. I have been told that I can switch discs or changing speed. In addition to this, I have learned a bit about how DVD burning works. I have the nerve to say that buing new equipment also would solve the problem because it actually is a solution. I am sorry if I offended anyone because of the formulation. I am grateful for your help, but I confine myself not to get a "buy new discs" to reply. If there is something else I said that you took offense offens of please let me know. The most likely in this case is that I did not at all meant as you took it.
  3. OK, I will remember it the next time I try to burn a disc. Thanks!
  4. Tried to burn the discs at 2.4x speed? I used the default settings in ImgBurn so I unfortunately have no idea. Why?
  5. If I want functional materials, I can pay a company to make burn the discs. And in this case when it is a film I would equally like to be able to buy the movie. That is not the problem. The thing is to solve the problem on a specific set of premises. One of these is to use the discs as already mentioned. Moreover, it is much easier to say "buy new" than to actually solve the problem. Best regards BL89
  6. Thank you, then I know a little more. I may try with the new recorder instead. If you have time to see if it works with my DVDs it is available at the address http://www.datorbutiken.com/se/default.asp...ct=LGGGC-H20LRB Best regards BL89
  7. Some problem however: 1. I have to use the discs I have. 2. I have no idea what Ritek-F16-01 is. A search on Google and Wikipedia returned nothing. A possible solution is to wait for my new computer and try it unless there is a software solution to the problem. Does it? Then I wonder if ImgBurn is capable of handling the DVDs I used if I only have the right hardware? Best regards BL89
  8. I have tried to find an answer to my problem here in the forum without having found anything so if the problem is already described, I apologize. I have tried to burn one .img file to a DVD+R Fujifilm but ImgBurn has failed for any reason. The logs are attached below. What went wrong and how can I fix it? To burn a DVD+RW by the same company work, however excellent. ; //****************************************\\ ; ImgBurn Version - Log ; onsdag, 15 oktober 2008, 12:19:31 ; \\****************************************// ; ; I 12:01:27 ImgBurn Version started! I 12:01:27 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3) I 12:01:27 Total Physical Memory: 514
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