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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. All you can do is try. If they still don't work, try cleaning your drive. After that, think about investing in a new one. Ok, thanks for the fast response. The drive is about 3-4 years old but i havent used it that much, I only burnt 10 DVDs R DL and a couple other music CDs in all these years sinece i have it, so it really wasnt used at all. Thanks again!
  2. Hi everybody, I just received my Verbatim DVDs R DL from the same place i bought them last time (On the case said made in India) althought this time they didn
  3. Yeah I oredered Verbatim 2.4x DVD+R DL discs, i dont want to risk a bit. Questions: To burn 360 games, do I have to manually change the book type to DVD R+ DL Media to be able to burn the game? or does Imgburn automatically recognizes the DL disc and sets it up? Im sorry for this questions but i just started using Imgburn and im really a newbie on burning disc. Thanks alot Lighting UK!.
  4. I inserted a DVD-RW and on Current profile it says: DVD-RW and it says on the bottom Ready. This is what the filter shows: =============================================== Filter Driver Load Order - ImgBurn v2.4.2.0 =============================================== Upper Device Filter: [None Found] Upper Class Filter: [None Found] Device: CD/DVD-ROM Device Lower Class Filter: [None Found] Lower Device Filter: [None Found] In Version Information everything shows Unknown. Now, my question is: To change the book type for DVD+R DL do I have to insert a disc DVD+R DL? or should I be able to change the book type with out inserting a disc? If so, then i
  5. Hello everyone! I just installed imgburn and i also updated the firmware for my Disc burner. Its a LG HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4163B A106 (ATA). This is the log: I 07:01:00 ImgBurn Version started! I 07:01:00 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (6.0, Build 6000) I 07:01:00 Total Physical Memory: 2.096.064 KB - Available: 1.362.044 KB I 07:01:00 Initialising SPTI... I 07:01:00 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 07:01:00 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 DVD
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