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Everything posted by ostenta

  1. If it would be ok to make a feature request for the next version... Actually, I am surprised Image Burn does not support multisession burning. Image Burn has some great features. For backing up data, multisessioning is a godsend. One of the main purposes of using burning software (for me and most likely a lot of other people) is the ability to back up data incrementally to a single DVD. There is not a lot of point backing up data to numerous DVDs. By the time you build up an appreciable amount of data to back up, you risk losing that data during the buildup period. Of course data could be backed up to a flash drive in the meantime. Most people however would however like to use a more permanent form of backup eventually. What I normally do is use a flash drive and a multisession dvd Though flash drives are great I have had a couple fail on me and I lost a lot of data. Hence the need for a multi session dvd.
  2. A couple of corrections. In my previous post I said "In Nero which unfortunately my DVD burner refuses to recognize" Its actually the other way round, Nero refuses to recognize my DVD burner. ImgBurn not Image Burn Apologies to the author.
  3. If it would be ok to make a feature request for the next version... Actually, I am surprised Image Burn does not support multisession burning. Image Burn has some great features. For backing up data, multisessioning is a godsend. One of the main purposes of using burning software (for me and most likely a lot of other people) is the ability to back up data incrementally to a single DVD. There is not a lot of point backing up data to numerous DVDs. By the time you build up an appreciable amount of data to back up, you risk losing that data during the buildup period.
  4. Thank you for the quick reply. Saved me from hunting around further for information.
  5. Im just new to image burn. I have burnt data to a DVD using image burn without a problem. The problem is it appears that you can only write data once to a DVD and then it is closed. In Nero which unfortunately my DVD burner refuses to recognize, it is possible to write data to the disc a number of times. When the time comes and you want to finalize the disk, you have this option. In Image burn it appears you can only write data once and then it is finalized without any notification Can data be written to the same DVD a number of times or does Imageburn only allow one burn per disc?? If it can be done I would appreciate a guide or some instructions Thank you
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