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techman~ Yes I logged out of Windows first. I made a new Administrator account but still received Access denied message.
I also tried to restore the original ImgBurn program which was .backed up on an external drive. It installed to the C:/Program Files destination folder but when I tried to run it I again received Access denied message.
I then re-installed ImgBurn to Desktop folder and it runs fine.
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Techman~ thanks for suggestion but I was only able to get the Windows Task Manager screen when I followed the instructions at the link you provided.
Perhaps this is because I do not have a "shared multi-user system'' as called for in directions on linked page. ("If you
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Techman: Thanks but I am not sure what you are suggesting. I am the Computer Administrator and have no guest users.
Lightning UK: I only have two non-microsoft programs that start when the computer boots and run in the background - - McAfee's SiteAdvisor and Webroot's Spysweeper and AntiVirus.
I uninstalled both and experienced same problem. I went to my external backup drive and first copy of ImgBurn was in the Program Files and operated as expected. As noted previously, this copy no longer worked after I downloaded the eight security updates Microsoft released on a Tuesday several weeks ago and caused me to uninstall it and try to re-install a fresh copy which I have been unable to do.
received error message ; "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."
Techman: Thanks but uninstalling/ deleting two registry keys/ rebooting/ reinstalling did not work. The results were identical to those reported initially.
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Thanks for unlocker program.
It did not find any locking handles.
It did however allow me to move exe file to Image Burn folder in Program Files but when I did Image Burn did not work. Once I moved it back to Desktop it worked fine.
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That was the first thing I tried after installing ImgBurn to my Desktop but it was unsuccessful.
The error message read as follows: "Cannot copy ImgBurn: Access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not currently in use."
I confirmed that none of these conditions were present.
Thanks. I only have Spysweeper w/ Antivirus and Comodo firewall running and did not have any problem the first time I installed Image Burn.
It has only been since I installed the eight patches released recently by Microsoft that I have been unable to re-install Image Burn to the Program Files destination folder.
I do not think it prudent to operate w/o an AV program and software firewall. I thought that when I operated in Safe Mode Spysweeper w/ Antivirus was totally inoperative.
Problem occurs with all AV, anti-spyware, and anti-malware programs disabled. It also occurs in Safe Mode. Yet it installs and works without problem when I change destination folder to Desktop.
I note that I uninstalled this same version ( of imgburn program within the last two weeks after its desktop icon "disappeared" which happened after I installed the eight critical "patches" released by Microsoft. Perhaps that is related to my problem. I note also that my panda 1.0.8 anti-rootkit desktop icon also disappeared at the same time and I have been unable to re-install that program.
On the other hand I have installed several other new (never installed on my computer) programs since then with no problem.
Thanks I tend to agree.
I do not understand why 6 out of 7 files (readme, uninstall,etc.) install in Program Files Destination Folder but the .exe file does not or why I have had no problems subsequently installing other programs.