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Ghost of Netmas Future

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Posts posted by Ghost of Netmas Future

  1. Since this post is 2 years old, I would like to make a point to Mr. "Google is your friend" (every board has 1 or 2 of them, as they were cloned at some Unix club back in 2000). That message, echoed by six other messages in the first page of Google results alone, tells me that in 5-8 years Google is going to go through some "personal changes" and think we should see other friends.


    You see.. Google IS our friend at the moment, because the first generation of world wide web users were a social information spreading society, therefore our answers WERE a quick Google away because of this. Soon, we will see nothing more than anti-social jargon clone 3nglish-warz and Google will be hitting bottom living out of the junkyard and no one with their head on their shoulders is going to want to hang out with him any more, therefore were going to degenerate into a society where everyone who thinks they know it all are going to revert back to saying "The library is your friend, laughs out loud in real life, rookie".


    So please, let this thread be a warning to all you abi-n33z0rzes out there -- social skills are an important bridge to higher learning if used wisely.





    Ghost of Netmas Future

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