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Posts posted by nick123

  1. UDF 1.02


    get something to reauthor recreate IFO BUP search google



    pgcedit, vobblanker ifoedit look for stuff related to these

    I don't understand what you mean...

    These are all the files I have in the VIDEO_TS folder. I don't have an audio one, but most guides say I can use an empty folder for that...


  2. O____o

    That was fast, I tried searching and found nothing, and you find it instantly!

    But, unfortunately thats not really helpful. They didnt explain how to fix the problem. They said to change it to a different burning format than 9660, but then imgburn tells me that it reccomends I change it back since its a VIDEO_TS folder...

  3. Sorry, n00b here!

    I'm having a problem when I try to import a VIDEO_TS folder with vob files into imgburn to burn a DVD. Can anyone help me?


    I 16:35:50 ImgBurn Version started!

    I 16:35:50 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition (6.0, Build 6001 : Service Pack 1)

    I 16:35:50 Total Physical Memory: 2,086,476 KB - Available: 898,528 KB

    I 16:35:50 Initialising SPTI...

    I 16:35:50 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

    I 16:35:50 Found 1 DVD

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