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Posts posted by elmatic0ne

  1. I finally figured out what was wrong with "my" system - I had the writer as slave and a reader as master. Today I decided to place the writer as master and the reader as slave...for some odd reason this resolved the issue.


    I've tried 3 different writers that previously failed with this approach and all work perfectly now. They all burn any media from ridata to verbatims made in singapore.


    Strange solution but eh I'm happy as long as it works. I don't disagree that verbatims are the best media but most burners should be able to burn on any type of media unless the media is absolutely extreme garbage.


    As for my system I guess it might be the ide issues that I've read nvidia is known for. My board is a BFG nforce 680i SLI...So I recommend placing the 'dual layer' writer as master and anything else as slave.


    Thanks for all your input - aside from my little hiccup imgburn IS great.

  2. I 21:32:18 Destination Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NP20 1.02 (F:) (ATA)

    I 21:32:18 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-001-00) (Speeds: 4x)

    The reason for the writer to go for 4x, even if you want it to go for 2.4x, is that the firmware only supports that media at 4x.


    That Verbatim media - is it on the box labeled - Made in Singapore or Made in 'elsewhere'?


    That you have installed your friends writer in your own computer and that it fails, sounds as there is an issue with drivers or that the writer is connected to a plug that is not working well with writers. What model of motherboard do you have? Most times the Windows default drivers works best.


    Your friends writer has a later firmware.







    The Verbatims are Made in Singapore, I have the latest fw on my drive (all 6 drives used) , i use default ms drivers for the drive, I've switched all the cables used, I have nforce 680i sli motherboard, switched to asus p5ql pro where the problem continued then switched back to the nforce mobo.


    just exteremely baffiling is all - any discs/drives combo work on 2 other systems in my household except my pc.

  3. Hello again,


    I tried verbatims again and same issue - This is the 6th drive that I have tried with no success... I have even went as far to swap the motherboard and still having issues. I have tested the memory and everything is 100%

    the thing I notice with this drive is that the lowest speed it writes at is 4x even though I choose 2.4x...

    I have DMA enabled and all that good stuff....What else is left to do?


    I 21:32:04 ImgBurn Version started!

    I 21:32:04 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3)

    I 21:32:04 Total Physical Memory: 3,144,740 KB - Available: 2,888,448 KB

    I 21:32:05 Initialising SPTI...

    I 21:32:05 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

    I 21:32:05 Found 1 DVD

  4. Thanks for your responses..


    I have tried verbatims in this drive - infact this drive is the same drive from my old system which burned everything without a problem. How can it support 'crappy' media on an older system and then stop working on a newer one?


    As stated, I tried 3 drives total - all work perfect with verbatims and cheap meda on older system but all fail on newer system.


    I guess I will have to continue to use my P4 to burn the dual layers...

  5. Hello Everyone,


    I'm having issues with burning DL. My burns stop at about 50% each and everytime no matter what software that I use. I had an older P4 system with imgburn that worked beautifully with no issues at all. I upgraded to a quad core system with Vista 64 and I've had nothing but issues burning DL discs. I've searched the forums and the only response to solve issues is to purchase verbatims. On my older P4 system I used verbatims, ritek or whatever media I threw at it and it worked 100%. With this new system it does not matter what type of media I use it will not burn past 50% or if it does it will fail the verification. I've used 3 different drives (which all work fine on the P4) including my old drive from the P4 system and all yield the same results.


    I'm hoping someone can help me out with this issue - I really have no clue what the problem is.


    I 04:11:20 ImgBurn Version started!

    I 04:11:20 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate x64 Edition (6.0, Build 6001 : Service Pack 1)

    I 04:11:20 Total Physical Memory: 4,191,884 KB - Available: 3,077,876 KB

    I 04:11:20 Initialising SPTI...

    I 04:11:20 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

    I 04:11:20 Found 1 DVD

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