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Posts posted by Vindom

  1. Ih people, I'm new here, I just dumped nero (500 MB only burning rom??!) and got in to imageburn, but..First issue;


    Atempting to create a mixed cd (audio+data), nothing satisfactory till now..


    Whell, I went into write mode and created a cue, added the audio files to one session, and tried to add the other files (mpg and pdf) to a second session but imageburn wont reconize anything else than images and audio files, so I coldnt add my files. I tried to create an ISO image with the files and add them to second session in ISO format, but it ended in an enhaced reconized by windows (audio and "+") cd, but unable to get to the files, only the audio was available..


    How do we do this? Is it possible with Imageburn?



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