Hi Geeks, Guru's and the rest of humanity,
I signed up just to post I had recently used a 'DVD Burning' piece of software, to burn a DL DVD. Once in a while a coaster is made, and I gain another Coffee Cup place holder on my desk. I've used a variety of drives, Media and systems (30+ yrs exp.). I have come to have a very negative passion for M#####x Drives and DVD's and that includes any combination of Drive+Media. Don't get me wrong, they used to be top-notch quality in years gone by, but now, no matter what combination I used of their Media or Hardware, I've come to realize that they've lost the edge they once had.
Okay, that's the ground work for this scenario, post, thingy-ma-jig. So I have 2 Coasters sitting around waiting to become a Coffee mats or a Jigsaw in the Trash. Now most of us have done a Burn, and foolishly deleted the Folder off the Hard drive (come on, you've all done it before...). Then a few minutes, maybe hours or the next day you think, where did I put that file, maybe it's the New Audio track you've been working non-stop on for the past 20hrs (yup, t'was me!) or the lastest piece of Digital artwork you've created, or simply some precious photographs of the neighbors cat. Well, it happened to me, where did I put my new music track freshly created, waiting for the world to hear! OH, I burnt it do a DL DVD..Phew!!
Then Reality kicks in as you insert the DVD (Prior to throwing them into the trash..!) and the "Blank Media" screen comes up, You take the DVD out, turn it over, and can see that indeed it has been 'burnt' and you know, beyond a shadow of doubt, "There's data on there Jim, but not as we know it!".
Re-insert DVD + Repeat Several times = Reality and Anger Management Training Exercises.
I have several systems Linux X64, Windows XP x64, to name a few. With Windows, I removed N**o because of the payload and bunk it installs on your system, turning your Ninja System into a spawning ground for 'Slowdown'..
So here's my Choices,
I could Download I*******r and pay for it!, I could download a variety of other programs and pay for them, with no promise of Forcing unclosed Sessions, closing Tracks and basically saving my DVD and my Blood Pressure.
I Google, 'Sessions', 'closing Sessions', 'Fixing Finalization Fubars' and several other combination's of colorful metaphors The Sessions and closing sessions led to a variety of non-Technical, well depending on your perspective I guess some of it is hardware... Finally, I stumbled upon ImgBurn, Free!? Freeware!? (yes, occasionally freeware is actually good stuff!!) so I download.. Install on my XP-64 and run it!
It runs! I insert the 'bad' DVD and up pops a screen of info, confirming what I knew.. The DVD had been wrote to and Data was indeed upon it's surface!
I went to the Tools->Drive_Close Menu, and there I see Several 'Close' options, Close Track, Close Session and Close DVD (or words to that effect).
I select close (disk) DVD!! [[Wait]] and then it happens, The Laser fires, the light, lights up! and windows goes into slow-motion (That's a Windows thing, not ImgBurn)
I'm beginning to think Windows has Crashed (what a surprise..) but no!! A minute or two later Windows springs (well, moves..) back to life and up pops a Windows Screen showing the contents of the DL DVD, all there, all happy and there's my file!!!!..
So, before you buy one of the 'other' packages, Try ImgBurn., Windows 'may' have a cow for a moment or two, That's because it's Windows and your CD/DVD burner is doing things 'differently'. (Doing it's best to fix the other programs fubar)
The Morale of this short tale (Thank Goodness )? Free doesn't always mean it's Bunk(Cr*p)ware, ImgBurn will now be a generic Install on any future systems (that support it!) for me, I am not saying it's better than N***o (honesty is paramount here for me..), I'm not saying it's better than R***o or anything like that what I am saying is..
Thank you!!
For a Spyware/Adware/Trojan FREE program, a FREE program that does what it say's it will do. I realize as a Elder-Geek its all about the CODE how its done, and I have to say ImgBurn is everything it says it is and most of all, for having the Features that NONE of the other big, pay-for-it companies software has!! and It's free! it works! and...
I signed up just to say this...
Great Program!! 11 out of 10 for features!!