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Everything posted by bpinnsvin

  1. Beginners question : I noticed there's a checkbox in the write menu of ImgBurn that says "Perform OPC Before Write". This is by default "off". In what situations should this option be checked? What does it do ? Edit : Found the answer in the guides under settings.
  2. The DVD-drive is not on the same channel as the hard drive is. The harddrives is on the primary IDE Channel and my 2 DVD Drives (Pioneer DVR-111D and the Pioneer DVR-115D) are on the secondary. The DVR-115D was slave before, but is now master in my attempts to get it to work properly (didn't change a thing). I tried to uninstall the ide-controller and rebooted...same result (no change). The thing here is that it seems to be the harddrive which doesn't get to write the data fast enough or something like that. THEN I remembered I used to have the biggest harddrive connected to an PCI ATA 133 IDE Controller and as I recall, it "seemed" faster then and I thought maybe it would be better if the data ripped was sent to another controller than the one on the mainboard. I still had the card, so I installed it and connected the large harddrive to it (which I write most of my data). Restarted, installed drivers, and tested reading with ImgBurn from the Pioneer DVR-115D drive to the drive with the new controllercard and it worked! The speed slowly rising the whole time until it stopped at 16x. So I finally found a solution. Thanx for all the suggestions. I attached the latest ibg if it is of interest. success.ibg
  3. So sorry about this tread. I thought the LB Dialog was supposed to come when you loaded the .iso file (as some members at cdfreaks said it should), so I didn't want to burn anything before the Layer Break was settled, since I didn't want a bad burn on an expensive disc. But the dialog I've missed comes up nicely when I press the "burn button", so thank you for telling me to "try burning".
  4. Yes, I've tried unpacking a ISO file and build it afterwards, I get the Layer Break selection window then. But according to some I should also get this dialog when it comes to .iso files that don't have an .mds file with it. And I don't , but other people do, so therefore I ask.
  5. Have posted this at cd-freaks and one person recommended I'll post it here to get an answer so here goes : My problem is that I don't get the Layer Break selection window when loading iso files for burning. That applies to all iso files I've tried, including ones without mds files. So I cannot select a LB point. But the files I've tried I've also loaded in the "Tools - ISO - Display Ifo Layer Break Information" and all the files I've loaded with that tool show only one suggested layer break. Is that the reason why I do not get the Layer Break selection window when loading those .iso files ? It automatically chooses the only one alternative ? One member of CDFreaks told me that he always got the Layer Break Selection Window up (when loading .iso files), even if it had only one alternative. So why do not I get it ? I have ImgBurn
  6. Ok. I've upgraded the firmware and did a verify as you suggested and it went fine. Then I tried to read the disc and it didn't go to well...Why ? The ibg files for the two operations are attached. The machine I use : Pentium P4 2.66 Ghz, 1 GB ram, Win XP SP3 Edit : I might have found the reason for the slowing down. As you said earlier Lightning UK, it could be someting to do with the speed of the system. And I think you're right. I ripped the DVD with DVDDecrypter again to see if it worked ok there, and it did, BUT it never went over 11-11.5x in ripping speed. The Pioneer DVR-115D rips up to 16x and does so in the Verifying example attached to this post. But that is verifying without storing anything on the computer. And when I try to read from the drive, it gets up to approx. 11x before it slows down (alot, unfortunally). That, I think, is because the computer cannot store the data fast enough to keep up with the drive. Its a bit strange since the harddrives are UDMA Mode 5 drives, but the teory fits. I'm writing this edit on another machine and cannot test this teory yet, but I'm gonna set the reading speed on this drive to 10x, 11x and 12x instead of MAX later this evening, and see what happens. One question though : If this is right, why doesn't ImgBurn stay at the "max" speed it can get from the system like DVD Decrypter does ? Test_Verify_Without_ImageFile.ibg Test_Normal_Read.ibg
  7. Ok. But how will unchecking a feature in verify improve the reading speed when I'm only reading the disc, not verifying it ? When reading, I guess it's not comparing to any imagefile ?
  8. Ok. I will try that later tonight. But the graph I sendt you should be of ImgBurn reading a DVD, not verifying. And if you have the adress for the newest firmware, please post it. Can't seem to find it myself.
  9. Ok, I've never used this program before, so if I'm uploading the wrong file please tell. test.ibg
  10. Have installed latest ImageBurn and burned an .ISO file with it on my Pioneer DVR-115D. The burning seemed to be ok...I had set the speed to 6x..it dropped down to 2.4-2.5 in the middle, but got up to 6 again right after. So, I tried to verify the burn. Before it reached halfway it slowed down to 2.4x and continued to verify at this speed. I tried afterwards to read the disc, and before it reached halfway it slowed down too to approx. 3x and continued to read at that speed. I then tried reading it with DVD Decrypter and it ripped fine, the speed slowly rising until the end of the disc. Why doesn't ImgBurn read this burn (and others burns I've tried) properly with my Pioneer DVR-115D ? Is there some setting I've have to "check" ? It seems so strange since it works so fine with DVD Decrypter.
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