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Posts posted by Sammy

  1. you have another reader to try it in?



    No, sorry. I only have the DVD burner drive on my desktop.




    Meant to add this to my last post. I tried refreshing the drive and also Rezero and the I/O Error is:


    I/O Error


    Device: [1:0:0] LITE-ON DVDRW LH-16W1P SL08 (D:) (ATA)


    ScsiStatus: 0x2

    Interpretation: Check Condition


    CDB: 01 00 00 00 00 00

    Interpretation: ReZero Unit


    Sense Area: 70 00 02 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00

    Interpretation: No Reference Position Found


    Do you know what this means?


    Thank You,


  2. Hi all,


    I'm having problems getting Imgburn to read a DVD that I am trying to copy. It is not copy protected and the other DVDs in the series copied just fine.


    I'm getting the message at the bottom: Device not ready (No reference position found).


    I've read through the support thread and have not found any information on this. Any help would be most appreciated.






    Hi Cynthia,


    Yes, the disc has been cleaned. It is the 4th in a series of 5, all the others have copied but this one just won't read. I put it into the burner and I get Device not ready (Logical unit is in process of becoming ready ) for a long time and then it goes to an I/O error and/or to Device not ready (No reference position found).


    I cannot figure out what to do?


    Thanks for responding and Happy New Year too!



  3. Hi all,


    I'm having problems getting Imgburn to read a DVD that I am trying to copy. It is not copy protected and the other DVDs in the series copied just fine.


    I'm getting the message at the bottom: Device not ready (No reference position found).


    I've read through the support thread and have not found any information on this. Any help would be most appreciated.




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