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  1. Alright it's solved! . Special thanks to Mmalves. The problem was that it autometically set to a too high speed. Thank you everyone :].
  2. Class act why did you ignore the message "W 18:40:55 User accepted disc space warning and is attempting to overburn!" that would have beeen the giveaway really Your downloading xbox games then saying you cant afford the discs to put them on ............ I can afford them, I just think they are expensive as hell . And I already got the Verbatims. Alright I'll try to burn a game now with an other program. Hope it works. And I'll do the 2.4x speed. Thanks for the help.
  3. Well: DL discs cost 2,80 euros. And I'm very cheap, so I use RW's to test. Since the test option on ImgBurn doesn't work for DL. sigh. Still no solution. Im gonna try a different speed though. EDIT: I tried a different speed, but still it gives the error. This error has nothing to do with the file being to large for the CD right?Also, does this by any chance means my drive is broken or something? Because I could try an other programm but I don't wanna waste an other disc.
  4. Okay: This is the story. I burn download Xbox360 games with my H11N drive. I unwrap them by using windows, went perfect for about 10 games. But then I copied a game from a friend(which works fine), which was slightly different than the regular downloaded games. Now, everytime I try to burn ANYTHING, it says: So when it says that error, I can still start up the game. But at a certain pointit always freezes. Like with Mirror's Edge, it freezes exactly at the beginning of a particular cut-scene. Anyway, if you know how to help me it would be great! other info: - I burn at 3.333 kb/s - I use DVD+R DL discs from Verbatim. And how do I get a log from ImgBurn? In case you need that from me to help me. Thank you very much. EDIT; the log: I 17:32:33 ImgBurn Version started! I 17:32:33 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3) I 17:32:33 Total Physical Memory: 2.095.532 KB - Available: 1.326.396 KB W 17:32:33 Drive G:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB in size. I 17:32:33 Initialising SPTI... I 17:32:33 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 17:32:33 Found 1 DVD
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