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Posts posted by residentevol

  1. I 18:32:38 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-S04-66) (Speeds: 2.4x)


    Your discs are actually Ritek DL's and are junk. Many people have to look around the internet if their local brick and mortar stores do not carry what they need....sorry.


    so the error message that im getting is purely due to the junk discs I have? that sucks about 17 bucks down the tube...

  2. Hey guys trying to burn something onto a D/L disk SSBB to be exact I know the preferred disc is verbatim but where I am currently located all I can get are JVC DVD+R. Anyways when I am burning at 47% on two discs in a row I get an I/O error. I tried using once with manual layer break and once without the manual. Both failed in similar ways. I also went to my device manager and tried to update my dvd device driver and it says everything is up to date. Not sure how to get my DVD drive firmware update I cant seem to find it online (im using HP DV6000 laptop). Here is my error log from the 2nd attempt Please help I dont want to waste any more discs!


    I 18:24:16 ImgBurn Version started!

    I 18:24:16 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition (6.0, Build 6001 : Service Pack 1)

    I 18:24:16 Total Physical Memory: 981,172 KB - Available: 356,640 KB

    I 18:24:16 Initialising SPTI...

    I 18:24:16 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

    I 18:24:16 Found 1 DVD

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