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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. WOWOWOWO u are the god amongst the GODS, just tried to burn a dvd4gb at 8x and guess what, buffer stay regular at 91% 93%, how did u know the soluction for this? i was already thinking about selling this sata burner and get a IDE burner. A great thanks from Portugal, and congratulations on the A7V600-X , its a old one but i love it even with all this problems and its still here for future problems LOL THanks men, another quick question, how i can see the quality of the burning with the 215-D? once again, obrigado de Portugal meu irm
  2. Yep already try to uninstall all controlers yep i have sp2 but already try with sp3 and its the same thing, i must have sp2 cause in sp3 it creates some conflicts with my graphic card but thats another subject.. more ideas? thanks for helping
  3. hi, after installing the pioneer 215-D i try some burns, first started with a normal dvds 4 gbs and only for testing i try burning at 8x, but i realize that a normal 4 gb burn take always 20 minutes burning even selecting 4x 8x 16x ... always take 20 minutes to burn. i strange the fact and then try to burn a DL first started 2x and everything came good, buffer level, device buffer always at 100% or 99%, then try burn a DL at 4x and 8X and different result, always take 40 minutes to burn and the device buffer always jumping and not stay stable, very strange.... the fact i came to conclusion is that I can only burn at 2x this burner is a sata burner so i think that the dma problem doenst apply here but for confirmation i confirmed and DMA is ON in both hardrives Already try burn with nero and imgburn and same thing happens, the device burn is always jumping to 32% 24% 100% 29%, always irregular, the levels stay regular only at burning 2x DL The burn always complete ok, at 2X... but never occurred a error during a burn. I don't know why but i think its a problem relation to to my motherboard and some incompatibility. my board is a Asus A7V600-X. SO any ideas i can resolve this thing and finally burn at the speed i choose? thanks in advance, any screen shot or information u need just ask. here it is a log from Imgburn trying to burn DL at 4X: I 14:39:00 ImgBurn Version started! I 14:39:00 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 14:39:00 Total Physical Memory: 1.048.092 KB - Available: 638.116 KB I 14:39:00 Initialising SPTI... I 14:39:00 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 14:39:00 Found 1 DVD
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