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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. donmarko


    Thx than i will use calculate after using dle window.
  2. donmarko


    When i open disc layout editor (new explorer) and drop files it says 95 % used (green bar ), but when i calculate (manual calculate image size) it says 94 %.Is this a bug? Thx for explorer layout editor the Best Stuff (maybe you can add burn icon in explorer many so you dont have to exit the explorer window ?), i use windows 7 x64 .
  3. I am using xp (sp3) i will use for almost everything udf (1.02) , only for dvd video i have to change ISO9660 + UDF or i can set just udf (i have pioneer dvd-rw dvr-215d)?
  4. Thx i watch movies on pc so i will use : Dont promot divx video settings (answer no) . Can i ignore this warning for udf or only for ISO9660 + UDF? thx
  5. I noticed that when i druged and droped file without folder i get this:Your image contains an 'AVI' file in the root directory so I'm going to assume it's a DivX Video disc. DivX Video discs typically use 'ISO9660 + Joliet' file systems, not 'UDF' as you have selected. Do you want me to correct this for you? (but when file is in folder no warning message).I use default imburn settings, can i use: Dont promot divx video settings (answer no) , when i enable this i get warning message in log : User Accepted incorrect file system selection for DivX Video disc warning ? Can i ignore this warning i burned 1 disc without problems? (If i can ignore this is there a way to disable this warning?). Thx in advance.
  6. Maybe i set that thx
  7. Like what option, i set auto calculate and don't prompt root content (answer no)?
  8. I Drag & Drop folder in imgburn which size was 4 gb , but when i calculate size it says that i have 100 free space (i was using verbatim single layer media) . After reinstallation problem was gone ,but why this happened? thx in advance.
  9. I right clicked on iso and selected burn with imgburn (8x speed) and no errors burned fine thx man and thx for lighting uk for answers!!!!
  10. Thx i will try that,i hope it will burn when right clicking on iso and burn with imgburn.
  11. Thx for answer i will try something.
  12. When i choose from mode picker to burn iso (write images file to disk write mode) no errors burns fine and i burned over 20 verbatim with 6x speed, but like i said when i righ click on iso ( burn with imgburn) and burn with 6x speed more than 10 vebratim media faild to burn ,and when firmaware was older the same problem.(I am not sure i burned many discs with 6x speed,but none when righ clicking on iso and burn with imgburn .) This is log when i burned same iso file but this time i chosse from mode picker to burn iso (write images file to disk write mode):ImgBurn Version - Log ; Sunday, 25 January 2009, 21:17:31 ; \\****************************************// ; ; I 20:04:06 ImgBurn Version started! I 20:04:06 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3) I 20:04:06 Total Physical Memory: 3,145,004 KB - Available: 2,561,016 KB I 20:04:06 Initialising SPTI... I 20:04:06 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 20:04:07 Found 1 DVD
  13. ImgBurn Version - Log ; Sunday, 25 January 2009, 20:03:51 ; \\****************************************// ; ; I 19:56:39 ImgBurn Version started! I 19:56:39 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3) I 19:56:39 Total Physical Memory: 3,145,004 KB - Available: 2,567,852 KB I 19:56:39 Initialising SPTI... I 19:56:39 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 19:56:40 Found 1 DVD
  14. When i right click mouse button on iso file and select burn with imgburn gives me this error on beginning of the burning process: error 'Invalid Address For Write',but when i use imgburn ez-mode picker to write files(build mode) or write images file to disk(write mode) no errors at all. When i am using nero gives me this error:invalid block address(on the begining of burning proocess just like imgburn) I have pioneer dvr- 215d sata ,motherboard is asus m2n(i am using verbatim media 16x). Thx in advance
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