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ISF Newbie

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  1. sorry for the late reply guys...in the middle of exams. would check back with the issue in a month from now :S thanks for the help so far!
  2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\IDE\CdRomHL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GSA_T50F__________\4&2f0449cb&0&0.1.0
  3. found it! but i get an error msg sayin that it's unable to delete it :S
  4. unfortunately, I did not see any entries for upper nor lower filters in the registry. so there was nothing to delete :S
  5. yes. even if i marked the row. will read up what u gave me. thanks
  6. the option to remove the filter is un-selectable. i cant remove it.
  7. alright will do and let u know the outcome tonight.
  8. you mean delete it and let windows reinstall the driver? guess it's worth a shot. what's the worst that can happen? a non-functioning burner? lol guess I'll wait to see what he says too..
  9. that's really odd. cuz the laptop is less than 2 months old and i haven't interfered with anything on it. would reinstalling the driver work? problem is i cant source it :S
  10. sorry. i posted the wrong list..(from the wrong comptuer) this is the CORRECT LIST and yes i have administrator privileges.. =============================================== Filter Driver Load Order - ImgBurn v2.4.2.0 =============================================== Upper Device Filter: [None Found] Upper Class Filter: [None Found] Device: CD/DVD-ROM Device Lower Class Filter: [None Found] Lower Device Filter: tdcmdpst Filter Name: tdcmdpst File Name: File Version: File Description: Product Name: Product Version: Company Name: Copyright:
  11. sorry for the late reply. yea. the matrix went on without any problems. here's the filter driver list: =============================================== Filter Driver Load Order - ImgBurn v2.4.2.0 =============================================== Upper Device Filter: [None Found] Upper Class Filter: [None Found] Device: CD/DVD-ROM Device Lower Class Filter: [None Found] Lower Device Filter: [None Found]
  12. same problem.. any other suggestions? firmware updates? driver updates? altho i can't seem to find neither..
  13. laptop restarting.. *crosses fingers*
  14. cool! thanks! after install, try manually changing the booktype again?
  15. that's a link to the image. not too sure of how to upload pics on this site.
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