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  1. oh meiii. unbelievable.
  2. hy. sorry does Imgburn support writing multisession discs? I have a multisession dvd+rw. I try to add a file for burning but the programm tell me "The Disc needs formatting"! but I will not erase the disc content already burned yesterday, only add a new track. it is possible? thanks a lot. regards.
  3. hello. can you confirm please that the error is due to a bad disc? are MKM discs bad discs? I have ordered verbatim BD+R 6x m.a.b.l. version 1.3 (I hope that my LG be06lu10 will can write this kind of discs verion 1.3 and not only 1.1...?), BD-RE 2x vers. 2.1 hard coat, serl, and Verbatim dvd+r dl 8x version 1.0 azo (but the drive can write up to 4x, but 2.4x was out of stock). I hope my drive and your sw can handle this disc very fine ;-) thanks.
  4. Thanks a lot dear Dave. [i burn udf 2.50 because I dont make a copy iso 1:1 but I have a m2ts file from multiavchd --from dvb HD television-- then i will burn it as a avchd structure into a avchd br+r for the bd standalone player. this is my first time ;-) with SD broadcast I make a DVD avchd with no problems. but today the m2ts file is too big in size, so I have to burn intoa br+r (or bd+re for testing purpose).] Now we are waiting what the moderator/author will tell us, after analysing the log file :-) best, Schützenkönig
  5. Yes, blank media BD-RE Verbatim-Europe vers. 2.1 #43614-0705-40 seems to work very fine! (In the meantime I have erased and burned for 2 times the same content with nero9. ok). Indeed ALL my bd-re Mitsubishi Kagaku Made in Japan seem to be "corrupted" :-( here the log file I found. but I rember in the past that this ImgBurn has me helped very good, because a bd disc cannot been erased by nero9, but ImgBurn has successfully erased and can reuse it. very good. I dont know what happened today. yes maybe the bad media, but I supposed that this Mitsubishi Made in Japen were the best blank media ever. Perhaps I'm wrong ;-) thanks a lot in advance for analizing my log file. ImgBurn.log
  6. ehmmmm sorry where can I find this entire log file? I searched in the folder of imgburn...nothing.
  7. log: I 17:46:55 Erasing Disc... W 18:12:27 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - (0%, 0/4) - Medium Format Corrupted E 18:12:29 Failed to Erase Disc! - Reason: Medium Format Corrupted E 18:12:29 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:25:33 i.e. imgburn can erase a verbatim bd+re (2 hours, successfull) but not mitsubishi. are all my new mitshubishi bd disc corrupted?
  8. hello. I have purchased a new disc BR+RE 2x Mitsubishi. I would like to burn a avchd structure generated by multiavchd. I put the new disc into the bd drive (LG be06lu10). Drag&drop the avchd folder in ImgBurn. properties => udf 2.50 start. imgburn tell me that the disc need format. ok. ok this happens every time a new disc is rewritable. start erasing disc. after hours i see 0% erasing.... the blu led on the drive blinks. no crash. but I cannot wait for hours and hours with 0% erasing...yesterday the same thing :-( with a verbatim br +re. I have to switch power off of the bd drive! now I cannot stop imgburn while it is ersing the blank disc (second attempt). what to do? thanks a lot in advance.
  9. Thank you for your reply! sorry I'm newbie. dvdflint crashes and stop working. convertxtodvdv is sheraware. that is what i need: dbv-t decoder > file TS (mpeg2 or mpeg4-avc 4.0, splitted to 2GB, 2GB, ...) >usb pen drive > my pc > join with Tssplitter and joiner > a big TS file > ...some processing????.... > burn on a dvd+r dl > playback on oppo83. it seems to be very very hard for me... i tried multiavchd, I'm sorry that multiavchd dont handle mp2 audio (without asyncronization). thanks a lot for helping me. ciao!
  10. Hy. i have an ISO UDF image file (created by ImgBurn from a TS file). ok. i would like to get a dvd (with dvd folder video_ts...). I opened ImgBurn> burn image to disk. and....I get the same TS file on my dvd+r dl!!! no. i would get a "normal" dvd+r dl for playback on a standalone bd player. can you help me? also file TS (from dvb-t) > iso 1:1 (without reencoding nor compressing it!) > "normal" dvd structure for standalone dvd player. is it possible? thanks a lot.
  11. thank you very mutch ! :-) italian.zip 1007 not available for download yet. I can see only build 1005. many thanks. best regards :-)
  12. hi friends. sorry, I have just installed the italian file into the Languages folder of imgburn. (I have simply extracted the file italian.zip) nothing happened. all the programs menu still in english. I cannot see none italian word. some settings needed? thanks a lot in advance. best regards, sch
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