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Posts posted by SpeedyStone

  1. Thanks guys.


    Off to view the link and clean up my system. :thumbup:




    BZZZZZZ!!! Ingore those two guys. Sorry, but they are idiots. It's NOT A VIRUS. It's a legitimate Microsoft error code. You are permitted up to 4092 "secret" or in normal speak... encrypted... files. I started getting this because I got a disk that caused a MASSIVE number of read errors. What I can't find, however, is how to find, much less remove, the files to get the drives working again. The only reference I found is some really obscure thing about LSA (local security authority). A virus scan, however, will show you are virus free.


    Other idiots will tell you it has to do with the last program you loaded. I'm surprised I haven't heard someone claim it's got something to do with moon phases or such. I would advise you to consider anyone that gives a idiotic generic response to you as being an idiot. If they can't be at least a little specific... like "it's XYZ virus" or "The error is in reference to"... then the people "answering" you are likely talking out of their rear ends.



    PS: If you find a solution, let me know...


    (email removed)



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