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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Ok, but if you burn direct then there is no way to burn them both to one disc right?
  2. oh, ok. So if i try to create a image file with both movies in the queue and it creates one iso file, and then i burn that to a dvd. That won't work?
  3. what do you mean?
  4. Anyone?
  5. What if I create one image file from both movies and burn that to a disc. Will that work?
  6. I have a couple movies that I want to burn onto one disc. They are small enough to fit under the discs 4.7gb limit. I've looked everywhere, but i can't seem to find the answer. I have tried before but imgburn wants me to enter a new blank disc after each file, and i don't want to do this because i dont want to waste the available space on the disc. Any help would appreciated.
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