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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Blutach, what a big Wanker you are... you must be the guy at work who sucks on the bosses toes and follows him like a puppy dog...
  2. Wow! Wish I'd known!
  3. hi... I lost my job for using ImgBurn.. At my company we're not supposed to install software on the production PC's... I *thought* that creating ImgBurn.ini would keep it in portable mode, but I made a big mistake I created a ImgBurn.ini and then ran ImgBurn --- It wrote a bunch of stuff into my registry and caused the Network Admin to find out... PLEASE create a "portable=1" entry in the .ini which causes ImgBurn to start up in ImgBurn /portable mode every time It's too easy to make a mistake and accidentally click on the EXE, and having to use a .bat is bad.
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