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Everything posted by douglaslort

  1. Try the portable version
  2. mmalves gave me a portable version of the program and it worked fine . Why did it happen?? Do you think I have a problem with the registry entries?? I'm using ccleaner. Is there a better program to clean the registry entries?? And about anti-virus? Is nod32 better than avira antivir??
  3. Heehe que coincid
  4. I burned a DVD, close the program. Then, when I tried to open again, nothing hapenned!!! I have cleaned the registry entries, reinstalled the program, tested the drivers, scan for viruses....I didn't install any other programs. I don't know what to do: the program was working OK, but suddenly it stopped to work. IMGburn simply don't open/load. Double click in the .exe, the hourglass for appears foa a short time and nothing happen. I ask for your help. PS: sorry for the bad english, I'm brazilian
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