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Everything posted by grafx47

  1. You still don't seem to understand that I have to be able to add / name the folders / sub-folders directly at the time prior to burning the disc - as each one of my multiple clients has to have folders / sub-folders with specific names - Alas - mine can't be an existing file / folder structure - as I would have to put 50,000 + folders / sub-folders on a hard drive - (all of which could / would hold over 100 MG of images along the way) - just to do it the way you described - this in turn would, of course, mean I wouldn't have any room left for any CD / DVD Burning software - My clients' folder / sub-folder names can / have been known to change - according to what their specific needs are at the time. However - as a Happy Note, at least for me - I have already found a CD / DVD Burning software that will allow me to do exactly what I need to do - Thanx for your input - just the same
  2. I'm sure for most of you ImgBurn does just what you need it to do - unfortunately it lacks the capability to do the simple task which I need a CD / DVD Burning software to do. My old computer, (which bit the dust due to Microsoft problem-solving antics), had Windows XP & came with Sonic Record Now automatically loaded, (sorry, but I don't know the version & unable to access it now). In short - I was able to add & name empty folders, sub-folders & sub sub-folders directly into the 'burn' window, without even having to include any images (jpegs), or pics, into any of the folders, or to place images into some of those folders, burn the CD - then when I was ready to add more images to that same (appendable) disc - most of the main folders & sub-folders were already in place. It is important to my business that I be able to put / add & name folders, sub-folders & sub sub-folders to a disc, regardless of whether or not I have images at that specific time to be placed within those folders / sub-folders. It's no doubt that the Sonic Record Now on my old computer was just a simple CD Burning software, but it did exactly what I need. The problem is - the specific version of that Sonic Record Now no longer exist & certainly wouldn't be compatible with Microsoft's lousiest OS ever conceived / designed / created since the beginning of computers - aka Vista. In fact - thus far - through my vast searching - there are actually very few software, of any type, which are compatible with Vista. While ImgBurn itself doesn't do the simple task I need - I would greatly appreciate some possible input as to what type of simple CD / DVD Burn software, compatible with this lousy Vista, that would do the simple task I need - as I'm continuously losing money & might possibly start losing clients -
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