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  1. Kind of embarassing for the US affiliate tho? And quite a compliment to Imgburn I might add.
  2. http://forum.my.nero.com/index.php?showtopic=7674
  3. If that's a dell then you might try the newer firmware http://support.us.dell.com/support/downloads/download.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=gen&releaseid=R101954&formatcnt=1&libid=0&fileid=132121 You might have to find some older 8x blank media?
  4. chewy


  5. Have you tried a disk in the other drive, one only burns cd's?
  6. http://www.rosewill.com/products/s_461/productDetail.htm Here's a proper link to a card using that chipset
  7. You did not indentify it, your link just showed different options for using the via chipset in a controller card, so far I am the one doing the work, I even downloaded the res images. They just told what I have known for years, via makes chipsets, not cards.
  8. Pardon me, You still can't even identify your controller card and expect me to believe you have a clue about what you are doing. Good Luck With an attitude like that you will go far
  9. There are three different cards shown using that chipset http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList....;srchInDesc=via The actual brand and model might tell us if the pata hard drive could boot from the card
  10. It should read factory disks, but won't write or burn nevermind, you had another drive that died?
  11. Well that explains the problem better Do you have an actual link for the controller card, they are not made by via?
  12. How many pata hard drive do you have? What's the boot drive, pata or sata?
  13. Download SystemSpec http://www.alexnolan.net/software/sysspec.htm Under file and csv save a log and copy and paste here
  14. What actual VIA IDE PCI Card do you have?
  15. C:\Program Files\DVD Flick\imgburn What does the log window say when you open it?
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