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Posts posted by Darthpc

  1. Thanks for th firmware link the one i had must have been bad. this one works and it actually reads all the discs now. but iam still going to change the grade of discs we are using i know about the Verbatims but where do you find the other brand that you mentioned I'm not familiar with that one

  2. its ok i'm not losing anything these were just test dvds i have the info on them stored somewhere else

    I am sorry about the banter back and forth. I am a hardware technician and unlike the lazy person mentioned in a previous reply i try to work things out for myself before giving in and searching boards. i did not know all your log was telling me but i did understand that it would not read the disc. This was an issue i had not seen before and was kind of perturbed with it. This drive actually goes in a machine i built for a family member to run his photography business with so iwas kinda frantic to repair the problem and get it back to him. In short i apologize for the attitude toward your team and i appreciate the help and i will tell my brother inlaw to buy higher grade dvds.


    Thanks Jeffrey S Harbuck

  3. ImgBurn Version - Log

    ; Wednesday, 31 December 2003, 23:40:43

    ; \\****************************************//



    I 23:24:57 ImgBurn Version started!

    I 23:24:57 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3)

    I 23:24:57 Total Physical Memory: 785,904 KB - Available: 284,172 KB

    I 23:24:58 Initialising SPTI...

    I 23:24:58 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

    I 23:24:58 Found 2 DVD

  4. Yeah That was better than the above replies i got and i did give information the dvd burner burns the dvd but they can't be read by the burner that burned them. i did not save the log and i am not going to waste another dvd to get it. yes i know the reader could have a problem but i was just wondering if there was anything else that might cause this issue. if it is beyond anyone to actually be helpful like i said delete my membership and I won't bother you again. oh by the way this program is great i have no problem with IMG burn and i have recommended it and will again



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