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Everything posted by xanadu1979

  1. I downloaded the latest version of that Satalink driver, but the output is the same. I guess I already had the latest version.
  2. Just realized my output is the same as that other guy's. He must have an Nforce4 board too. Mine is a MSI K8N Platinum SLI board. I'll try to find an upgrade for that satalink device and see if that fixes it.
  3. I've got the same problem, been having it for a while, I've formatted a few times and that hasn't fixed the problem. Here's my output from that program. ---------------------------------------------------- Filter Driver Load Order http://www.bustrace.com ---------------------------------------------------- Upper Class Filter: GEARAspiWDM Upper Class Filter: SiRemFil Upper Device Filter: redbook Device Object: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4167B Lower Class Filter: PxHelp20 Lower Device Filter: imapi Driver Name: gearaspiwdm.sys File Location: c:\windows\system32\drivers File Description: CDRom Class Filter Driver File Version: [] Product Name: GEAR.wrks Product Version: 7.xx [] Company Name: GEAR Software Inc. Driver Name: siremfil.sys File Location: c:\windows\system32\drivers File Description: Filter driver for Silicon Image SATALink controllers. File Version: 1, 1, 4, 0 [] Product Name: Product Version: 1, 0, 0, 0 [] Company Name: Silicon Image, Inc. Driver Name: redbook.sys File Location: c:\windows\system32\drivers File Description: Redbook Audio Filter Driver File Version: 5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) [5.1.2600.2180] Product Name: Microsoft? Windows? Operating System Product Version: 5.1.2600.2180 [5.1.2600.2180] Company Name: Microsoft Corporation Driver Name: pxhelp20.sys File Location: c:\windows\system32\drivers File Description: Px Engine Device Driver for Windows 2000/XP File Version: 3.00.11B [] Product Name: PxHelp20 Product Version: [] Company Name: Sonic Solutions Driver Name: imapi.sys File Location: c:\windows\system32\drivers File Description: IMAPI Kernel Driver File Version: 5.1.2600.2714 (xpsp.050705-1524) [5.1.2600.2714] Product Name: Microsoft? Windows? Operating System Product Version: 5.1.2600.2714 [5.1.2600.2714] Company Name: Microsoft Corporation
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