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Howard Kaikow

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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. I was not talking about using the full Nero, only Nero Burning ROM. OK, then I have to to keep Nero/Roxio in order to have InCD/Drag to Disc on Windows 2000. Will Imgburn peacefully co-exist on a system that has either Nero 6 or Roxio EMC 7 installed?
  2. I'd like to try ImgBurn on a Windows 2000 system. Currently, I have a multiboot system. One OS has Nero 6, only Nero Burning ROM and InCD installed. Does ImgBurn have the full functionality of Nero Burning ROM 6 and InCD (I believe version 4)? If not, what are the general differences? Another system has Roxio EMC 7. I just care about the Classic and Drag to Disc features.
  3. THanx. Lots of bedtime reading.
  4. Is there a separately downloadable manual, or Help file?
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