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Everything posted by snodawg

  1. Finally found the prob. It was in my setup in Bio. See if i can explain. My bootdrive some how got put at the bottom of my list. I have four hard drivesw. And they were all mixed up so I fixed the order and bingo that was my prob been running great ever since. I want to Thank everyone that responded. It was great to see that. Hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas and have a Great New Year. TY all again. Rex
  2. OK TY very much will give it a try.
  3. How would I know this? Somethings I don't understand.
  4. Hello all, This prob just started a whiler back. When I burn a backup I like doing other things. But now what happens is when I burn I can't do anything else. Checked task manager on CPU useage and seen the burner is using it a 100%. Tryed everything that I can think of to resolve like checked for virus, spywhere deleted all temp files like I said everything I can think of. Ended up formating reinstall everything it work for awhile then started freezing up now just like before cpu 100% useage during burn. I use dvdshrink, anydvd and imgburn. Can anyone help please? TYIA Rex
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