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ISF Newbie

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  1. if i cancel my burn half way threw iwll i be able to reburn the disc or not?
  2. lol it did it again, same error...different sector of the file... then i tried another burn...same file, same media, same burner...and boom worked??? anyone know why this isnt consistant?
  3. that is very wierd..first burn it stopped at like 230k sectors..im at 90% on the burn now??? using top of the line verbatims and a brand new burner
  4. i did once and it gave me another error...
  5. I 23:14:47 ImgBurn Version started! I 23:14:47 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 23:14:47 Total Physical Memory: 1,506,800 KB - Available: 498,400 KB W 23:14:47 Drive D:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB in size. I 23:14:47 Initialising SPTI... I 23:14:47 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 23:14:47 Found 1 DVD
  6. SUCCESSSSS!!!!!
  7. yeah i am taking it back but im have a sata card...no way to power the drive up... probally about the head out to the other bestbuy lol...going to search for a ide but if i have to buy another burner and a power supply(which i dont know what im looking for) ill have to do it just becoming a pain in the butt ive been running aroun all day and now i havel ike 4 coasters lol hmm its verifying disc now will post update shortly
  8. yeah i am taking it back but im have a sata card...no way to power the drive up... probally about the head out to the other bestbuy lol...going to search for a ide but if i have to buy another burner and a power supply(which i dont know what im looking for) ill have to do it just becoming a pain in the butt ive been running aroun all day and now i havel ike 4 coasters lol
  9. can you point me in the direction to get an ide drive?? bestbuy and walmart had none...i spent 90 bucks on this one lol would it be worth tryiong it in my laptop...or what im nto sure the laptop has 2.0 usb ports
  10. could this be caused by not having it plugged into the 2.0 usb port when thats what itscalling for? W 15:55:36 L0 Data Zone Capacity Miscompare! W 15:55:36 Wanted: 1913760, Got: 2086912 this is also in the error HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE20LU10 FE06 (J:) (USB) THEIRS MY BURNER ... MADE BY LG
  11. heres the log...please help...have latest firmware of the burner to... I 14:47:43 ImgBurn Version started! I 14:47:43 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 14:47:43 Total Physical Memory: 1,506,800 KB - Available: 892,552 KB W 14:47:43 Drive D:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB in size. I 14:47:43 Initialising SPTI... I 14:47:43 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 14:47:43 Found 1 DVD
  12. bought a 90$ lg burner trying to burn my first .dvd file hopefully all is well..if not i give up
  13. New Optiarc models are very good too. ive seen the posts i cant locate the models
  14. do uthink i could pick up one from best buy???
  15. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16827140032 do u think this will work
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