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  1. I mean a Section for Third Party Plugin. However by reading your reply, it isn't doable.. Thanks anyway..
  2. I don't know if it's doable but a Plugin Section would be nice...
  3. My regional settings are Region2 (ITA)... I didn't know that LB is = to L0 sectors. Now it's all OK. Thanks to all for the explanations
  4. I try to explain with an example: I insert a DVD9 in my DVD Reader and then I use Verify Mode to see (Disc Information), (Physical Format Information) and (Layer Information).. So, I said If was possible to add a LB Detection (visible in the Layer Information) directly when I insert DVD9. IDE-DVD DROM6216 HD08 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD-ROM Disc Information: Status: Complete Erasable: No Sessions: 1 Sectors: 3.624.799 Size: 7.423.588.352 bytes Time: 805:32:49 (MM:SS:FF) Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Book Type: DVD-ROM Part Version: 1 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: 10.08Mbps Number of Layers: 2 Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP) Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196.608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16.576.190 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2.011.215 Layer Information: Layer 0 Sectors: 1.814.608 (50,06%) Layer 1 Sectors: 1.810.191 (49,94%) (What's the Layer Break?)<---------------
  5. "Create a JACKET_P folder" for DVD-Video (Build Mode) "Layer Break Detection" directly from original DVD (Verify Mode)
  6. Hi.. My friend has a DVD burner Philips (PHILIPS DVD8701). She must erase blank DVD+RW and DVD-RW, but aslo if the media is inserted IMGBurn doesn't detect them and If she try to erase IMGBurn gives an error.. She try also to record on that DVD+RW and DVD-RW, but it reject them. With this error, is possible understand why that DVD+RW (Philips) and DVD-RW (TDK) aren't detected? Thanks...
  7. Hi..My friend burns with IMGBurn (using MDS file) on DVD+R DL...setting book type as DVD-ROM.. After he has compared Original DVD and burned DVD+R DL with IMGBUrn in Verify Mode (first original DVD and then burned DVD) This is the info of Original DVD: Current Profile: DVD-ROM Disc Information: Status: Complete Erasable: No Sessions: 1 Sectors: 3.639.086 Size: 7.452.848.128 bytes Time: 808:43:11 (MM:SS:FF) Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Book Type: DVD-ROM Part Version: 1 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: 10.08Mbps Number of Layers: 2 Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP) Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196.608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2.083.071 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2.083.071 Layer Information: Layer 0 Sectors: 1.886.464 (51,84%) Layer 1 Sectors: 1.752.622 (48,16%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the Info of burned DVD+R DL Current Profile: DVD+R DL Disc Information: Status: Complete Erasable: No Sessions: 1 Sectors: 3.639.088 Size: 7.452.852.224 bytes Time: 808:43:13 (MM:SS:FF) Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01 Book Type: DVD-ROM Part Version: 1 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 2 Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP) Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196.608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16.446.767 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2.083.071 Layer Information: Layer 0 Sectors: 1.886.464 (51,84%) Layer 1 Sectors: 1.752.624 (48,16%) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layer Information the same ecc...but, why Last Physical Sector of Data Area, Maximum Read Rate and somethings in Disc Information are different? However, The burned DVD work fine on DVD player....
  8. Thank you very much for all exhaustive answers
  9. Now I hope to have understood...It read info in IFO. (I am Italian not English) Doesn't matter if I load MDS or ISO (because It always read the info in IFO file) But I want find the Layer Break Position in Original DVD (for example I can Use PGCEdit for this, right). Thanks for you answer....and remember if sometime I don't quite understand your answer because I am Not English but Italian...(that try to learn the English)... Thanks again...
  10. Thanks...I already Know that using MDS I have the same Layer Break Position such as Original DVD.. When I burn I always use MDS file (for DVD5 too, also if not necessary)...(naturally I don't delete ISO) Infact my problem doesn't this...(I delete MDS file because I want insert manually Layer Break of Original DVD, I must do this test for other people too) When I find LBA ecc. (using Display IFO Layer Break Info)..with IMGBurn, how must use it?
  11. Ok...I post here Display IFO Layer Information screenshot (using MDS that after I want delete for do that test) and also I post Display IFO Layer Information screenshot (using ISO).. Using the old program the LB hasn't been removed, right..(first image is MDS info and second is ISO info).. Display the same LBA using MDS and ISO..
  12. Sorry Lightning UK for another post... I ask you this... I create an ISO with an old program that you Know..(I delete MDS file for do a test), but in this program there is no option for delete Layer Break so the Layer Break is still present in ISO file (but I am not sure beacuse I think that LB is present in MDS) .. So if I don't remove LB and Use Display IFO Layer Break Information (using the ISO) I have the same LB position such as original DVD or an optimal position... Sorry again for disturb.....But it's important...Thank you very much...
  13. Thanks... I have another question.. Why on DVD-R DL it's impossible set Layer Break Position?..Book Type is unchangeable, aslo Layer Break....(so all programm like IMGBurn write all Layer 0 and the rest on Layer 1)...what I do to solve this problem?.............I want not use DVD+R DL...
  14. Hi..I'm a new member...(for Lightning UK or who Knows this) I have an ISO image (created by DVD-Video file on Hard Disk) and I have no MDS file for set Layer Break like in the Original DVD. I must burn this ISO on DVD DL and I must do a 1:1 backup. I would Know if Last Physical Sector in Layer 0 (of Original DVD) can be inserted in Layer Break Options (User Specified) for set same Layer Break of original DVD. If no, what is the solution for set same layer break like in the original DVD?.. Thank you...Sorry for my english...
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