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Everything posted by seamoon

  1. How can I use right click "send to" command to add files & folders to imgburn?
  2. The word "not interested" is not meaningful and not open minded, "sorry".
  3. Volume label mru function would be helpful for repetitive volume names. It can remember user specified number of items. I mostly use like this labels "MY MP3s Vol. XXX". Also on label section there can be a favorite labels button for predefined labels. Another suggestion about it: Automatic incremental number if label has numbers. Example I burn "MY MP3s Vol. 151" then next time imgburn launched or new project added if I select "MY MP3s Vol. 151" from mru then label automatically changes to "MY MP3s Vol. 152". I know it's a bit futuristic function but in this way users don't have to remember volume numbers.
  4. Most combobox not work as you described, even most web combobox. I haven't experienced any not sure what's in that box situation so far. Also not adding without enter or + function doesn't help to sure what's it.
  5. I already click the folder I wanted why further enter?
  6. Hi. Source folder selection via drop-down needs additional click on + button. Selecting via drop-down mean I select it so I think no need further clicking on +.
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