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Gleb Egorych

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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. DirectX is already latest (aug'09), nvidia driver is almost latest (191.07) due to another bug in the newest 195.62 WHQL.
  2. mmalves, thank you, that works
  3. Hi. Recently "Preview selected cell" partially stopped working for me. ImgBurn shows only the first frame of a cell and doensn't show more at all. Sound plays good. I suspect that the cause is Nvidia 191.07 XP videodriver. In Vista x64 with 191.07 driver "Preview selected cell" function works as expected.
  4. Daystrom M5 Yes, it's OK now, thanks. The only problem - RPM plots, revilutions are definitely underestimated near center of disc.
  5. When I use standard input in Build mode, ImgBurn tells me how much space is available in bytes. In advanced input mode ImgBurn burn tells me that I have 4.38GB free - I have "Automatic Target Media" unchecked and "DVD+-R" selected s media space. So where did you see 4.7GB?
  6. As I understand different layer break/end positions come from different gigabyte size. Seems like DVDinfo uses 1024*1024*1000 byte gigabyte (thousand of megabytes) while BurnPlot uses 10^9 byte gigabyte. OptiDrive Control has proper 1024^3 byte gigabyte.
  7. Hi. I don't know if it's a known bug, compare screenshots by BurnPlot and DVDInfo below. IBG file attached also. ImgBurn.ibg
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