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Bob Parr

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Everything posted by Bob Parr

  1. Thank-you. You were both right. I used a program to extract the images as VOB files. Then went into DVD Shrink and used re-authur to import all of my images. DVD Shrink combined them all as one image and I burned that image to a DVD. There were a couple of bugs though. One of my clips ended up out of sequence (probably my fault) and all my clips stayed in DD-EX except one. I will probably keep trying till I get a set of clips that work properly. Thanks for the help.
  2. Just a question from a 1st post newbie- I wanted to make my own demo DVD for my ht. So I used DVDshrink to make a bunch of small iso images from some movies I own. Is there a way for Imgburn to burn the multiple images in order so that they will play in succession on my dvd player? So far I can only figure out how to burn one image per disc. Thanks in advance.
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