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  1. no, dont want to waste time buying one...tbh it's brand new why should I need one...I'm going to get it replaced..
  2. so blowing in it wont due me any good? I guess I will just get it replaced tomorrow.
  3. alright I will get it replaced tomorrow, you think that it's a bad burner, or should I not be transferring it back and forth in my backpack how could it have went bad?
  4. Sorry for my ignorance, won't happend again. PROMISE.
  5. For some reason my sony disc had no problems, but verbatims have been giving me problems....
  6. If it worked before it might be worth a try with a cleaning disc. sigh... Reason: Unknown keeps giving me same error, I tried on verbatim 2.4x disc and at 2x, 2.4x and 4x and no luck should I just return unit, and try another one? shouldn't have to clean it being that I've had it for what, 4-5 days now... Could it be the file?
  7. damn....failed at 4x write speed as well...now I think it's the file, something must be wrong with it
  8. I went out and bought the verbatim 2.4x disc, and it gave me write errors 21% in....i ditched the disc because I know it won't finalize 360 iso files w/ write errors. I'm now trying at 4x, hopefully this works, if not....in some trouble. THANKS ADAM
  9. there 360 iso files, if I burn that fast, the unit will not read them I'm hoping its the disc, because I just bought the burner
  10. So, I bought that pioneer external burner as (you) suggested. And, it has been a charm the last week. Now I'm getting internal errors. LOG 10:09:12 ImgBurn Version started! I 10:09:12 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3) I 10:09:12 Total Physical Memory: 1,038,316 KB - Available: 732,108 KB I 10:09:12 Initialising SPTI... I 10:09:12 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 10:09:12 Found 1 DVD
  11. Just burned my first game, batman arkham asylum...thanks so much... that drive works flawlessly
  12. You need a zip code for that page. Zip codes for me is pure Greek as I don't live in the US. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp;js...d=1218069254016 It's a bit high priced but it would be the one I would pick from that page. OKay, is it going to be good for burning isos onto DL +r disc or .dvd files...im using verbatim 2.4x disc and have 8x ones as well I'm going to pick it up as we speak. THANKS SO MUCH, hope I'm not dissapointed...you seem like you are a veteran when it comes to this stuff...I was going to give up on this but now I'm like I dropped so much $$ on disc might as well finish it out...
  13. mmalves, how about these: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?_d...rp=15&iht=n are any of those worth the purchase??? if not, any of these: http://www.staples.com/office/supplies/Sta...mp;fromUrl=home
  14. Will this model work well with DL media, I'm just trying to get my hands on something today...so I can test it out, and is Lite-On (in general) an okay brand?
  15. Thanks I think i'm going to leave the office and purchase this one right now: http://www.officemax.com/catalog/sku.jsp?p...s^return_skus~Y can you tell me if it's good, I heard that lite on is a decently reputable brand, not looking for something great just something better than my burner in my laptop which is 4 years old. THANK YOU!!!! cynthia is numero uNo
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