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  1. Well it looks like I do have to replace my drive, because the H54L works, burned 2 disks already Ill get the drive replaced within the week Thanks for all the help!
  2. Well the other computer has a GSA-H54L, which is pretty much 1 model down from the one I have in this computer.
  3. I could try, should I try burning with another computer and see if that works?
  4. @Cynthia, this burner isnt that old, about 6-7 months @mmalves, the blanks are made in singapore
  5. Another error... Any help again would be appreciated. I 21:55:53 ImgBurn Version started! I 21:55:53 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7100) I 21:55:53 Total Physical Memory: 6,282,352 KB - Available: 4,819,672 KB I 21:55:53 Initialising SPTI... I 21:55:53 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 21:55:53 Found 1 DVD
  6. Alright burn is going ok for now
  7. 4x is the lowest speed with that combination of media/firmware/burner. Alright thanks, the firmware is updated and I am trying a reburn
  8. check up on their website, you could probably get it installed from them too
  9. yes it should
  10. Actually I custom built my pc but the brand of the computer shouldnt really have an affect on the drive, and yes the drive is dual layer, and it also has lightscribe. so u dont think it will matter what type of comp im putting it in??? nope, you can replace the drive already in place with a new one
  11. Actually I custom built my pc but the brand of the computer shouldnt really have an affect on the drive, and yes the drive is dual layer, and it also has lightscribe.
  12. I have a LG GSA-H55L, you can take a look at that
  13. Hi, I recieved this error (I/O) when I was burning and I have no clue what it means, it happened just after it hit 50%. Log is below (Also I wanted a write speed of 1x but it ended up 4x) I 18:57:57 ImgBurn Version started! I 18:57:57 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7100) I 18:57:57 Total Physical Memory: 6,282,352 KB - Available: 4,754,480 KB I 18:57:57 Initialising SPTI... I 18:57:57 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 18:57:57 Found 1 DVD
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