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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. I hear you . With windows 7 RC and platinum it's one .iso file . Unfortunately this one goes to a folder ( named ) and contains multiple .iso's . The 6th one says R&R bootable ?
  2. Ok , I'm trying to burn bootable disk . As in 1 through - 6 . I had burn the # 1 .iso to CDR , unfortunately that CD will not boot up to install . I went into bios and set the CD drives as first . I also read somewhere that if you convert the .iso's and drop/drag or copy/past all the files from all the .iso's into one folder .then burn all the files to cd or dvd that will work . Haven't tried it ,what do people here think ?
  3. I have around 6 - 8 .iso images in MBs i need to burn to make a bootable CD(s) or Cd and a DVD . They will not all fit on one DVD-RW I burnt the #1 image using CdburnerXP , but that CDR will not load . I have used Cdburner to burn 1 .iso image for win7 and that worked , but I can not get that program to burn more that 1 image on the disk. I ran across a post that stated to use Imgburn . How do I do this ?
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