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Everything posted by Narcosis

  1. Hi, I am having the same problem here. When i try to burn an iso, i insert my blank dual layer (DVD+R DL) and it says "logical unit not ready, cause not recordable" I have the same problem when i use DVD Decrypter... This is the first time at using dual layer dvd's. I always used DVD Decrypter with DVD43 to rip the Video TS files to my hard drive and then used nero recode to fit them on a single layer dvd. I found that the compressed films always tended to freeze, hence to straight copy. i never had a problem with burning or recognition of media (whether DVD+R or DVD-R).I even tried using Nero to burn the video ts files instead of an .iso file but it didnt want to play either i did the usual things, updated drivers, rolled them back again, load all the apti thing but no joy. I think this may be the dual layer dvd's not being recognised. i am not sure if its software or wardware though. They are RiDisc Xtreme DVD+R D 2.4x8.5GB 240 mins. Any ideas? i dont wont to go and spend more money on different blank DL dvd's for nothing. Cheers all Narcosis p.s any ideas to stop recoded dvds from freezing? oh, are there any other easier ways of shrinking a dvd other than using recode
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