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Everything posted by swimmer

  1. Thanks everybody for your input. I have made a new copy of the original DVD with DVD Shrink. Then I have created ISO with Image Classic Tool 0.93.1 and played it back from the hard drive (emulated with Virtual Daemon) with Media Player. The movie freezes again once Chapter 13 starts. I have saved the log that Image Classic Tool had created and can post it if it might help but it?s huge (over 100 pages!). It mostly shows: 0.01% done, estimate finish Wed May 3 12:33:15 2006 0.03% done, estimate finish Wed May 3 12:33:15 2006 0.05% done, estimate finish Wed May 3 12:33:15 2006 0.07% done, estimate finish Wed May 3 12:33:15 2006 0.09% done, estimate finish Wed May 3 12:33:15 2006 and so on and after this just a few lines Total translation table size: 0 Total rockridge attributes bytes: 0 Total directory bytes: 4248 Path table size(bytes): 42 Max brk space used 4000 2791301 extents written (5451 MB) I also tried another way to burn. I burnt DVD from the same files but with Nero (without creating ISO) and also played it back with Media Player. There is no freeze at all! When I play ISO with Media Player, I see 30 Chapters. When I play the movie (files) created with Nero, I see a different structure: there are no chapters but there are 7 Titles. The spot that freezes is somewhere in the middle of the Title and it runs without freezing. I did my best to explain what I?ve got. Sorry if something is not clear. Thank you for your time! Though Nero worked I cannot use it for burning as it cuts off the language options and leaves default Italian.
  2. Thank you everybody for your input! Unfortuantely the log is gone. More than that, I was too quick to delete the original VOBs too. Now I am trying to restore them in order to repeat the whole way aтв to get the log. There is though another but I am not sure whether it would work. I can rip my copy (the one with glitch) with DVDShrink, get VOB files that can be used to create ISO. Would it be OK? Initially I used VOBEdit, then IFOEdit (created IFO) and finally created ISO with Image Classic Tool 0.91.7 and then burnt it with DVD Decryptor on DVD + R double layer disk. Thank you!
  3. Thank you for your reply! Unfortunately I do not have it. Removed. If it could be of help, we are talking about a double layer DVD disk. Sorry for the limited information.
  4. Hi, I have made a backup copy of one of my DVDs (DVD-9). The original disk runs without a glitch but the copy I have made while playing on my PC stops at the same spot every time. I was advised that the layer break wasn't properly set and this can be corrected by IMGburner (it is IMG file). Could you please refer me to a tutorial or manual explaining how to do this? Or may be somebody would be kind enough to provide the instructions? Thank you!
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