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Everything posted by Stinga

  1. Well I have made a few DVD's this way and have changed the Layer Break from Non-Seamless to Seamless, and it works perfectly. I know you cannot change the Layer Break settings if you use the MDS File, But if you use the ISO File you can.
  2. I intend to make 1:1 Exact Backups of my Entire DVD Collection with AnyDVD HD and Imgburn (Excluding any UOP's & Making the Original Layer Break's Seamless) I have done some testing and was wondering if I have got this right and weather there are any options in Imgburn that I should change to better suite my needs. I will be using Verbatim DVD+R DL Discs My current method: 1. Create an ISO of the DVD with Imgburn in Read Mode. 2. Select the ISO (Not MDS) with Imgburn in Write Mode and select the Orginal Layer Break (it is the only one available) and Check the Seamless box. 3. Burn to Verbatim DVD+R DL. Have I got this right and are there any Options that I should change in Imgburn? Thanks for your help Stinga
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