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Everything posted by 12sunflowers

  1. Rare crash on exit bugreport.txt
  2. Hmmm 1)I do a copy this "problem CD" with Alcohol and burn it 2)After that Imgburn works well with this copy "problem CD" And this may be a problem of this particular CD? For example, the CD was recorded not correctly?
  3. Thank you for reply. Tell me please is this issue will be fixed at near future?
  4. Imgburn cant create iso from audio cd and lock up then click "wiev media information"? Disk is not excelent but readable. ps aclohol create iso from this cd, well О_о pps srry 4 my english) ImgBurn.log
  5. @Rincewind Thank You.
  6. I/O random error due writing CD-R ps burner and imgburb already updated ImgBurn.log
  7. Thank you for Уour reply. I will do as Уou said.
  8. Hi! I have I\O error. 2 times on Verbatim cd-r. What is that? buner? disk? imgburn? ImgBurn.log
  9. May be it is my system unstability? What programm can make uncompability or unstability in my system? ps sorry for my english)
  10. rare crash on exit imgburn 2.5.2 ps may be i use drag+drop in disk layout editor? pps BIG thsnks for imgburn! I love it) bugreport.txt
  11. Thank you very much for the explanation! when will the next release ImgBurn?
  12. I'm sorry for my English, I do not quite understand you ps i use drag+drop only at this window
  13. ImgBurn Version i have this error on exit(( winxpsp3 fresh clean install log attach Текстовый документ (6).txt
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