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  1. Maybe there is still a working VIDEO_TS.BUP file... But in this case it would be the best do copy the VIDEO_TS.BUP to VIDEO_TS.IFO (and keep both files!)
  2. >HD DVD-RAM, DVD-RW DL, DVD+RW DL OK Then I will include these codes. MEDIA_STATUS_UNKNOWN: means imgburn will not be able to burn something? MEDIA_STATUS_NOT_FORMATTED: means a DVD+RW, 'empty' but not formatted and can be burned after formatting? Thanks again for your support!
  3. Yes, that's for sure... But it is a little 'information overkill' for me/my application. The only things I want to know (or 'need' to know) are: 1. Is there any media in the specified drive (simple, I can do it myself) If yes: 2. Is the media empty (could probably determined by the 'Media Status' which seems to be either 'MEDIA_STATUS_EMPTY' or 'MEDIA_STATUS_NOT_EMPTY' and nothing else) If yes: OK If no: 3. Is the media 'writeable' (no DVD-ROM, already burned DVD-R...) If yes, ask for overwrite -> OK/cancel This can probably be determined by 'Erasable: Yes' and 'current profile' where 'current profile' may be one of these values: "CD-RW" "DVD-RAM" (?) "DVD-RW" "DVD+RW" "BD-RE" "HD DVD-RW" Is this assumption correct?
  4. Yeah! That's what I will do for the time beeing... Thanks for your support! Another question: I'm currently working on the interpretation of the /info file. Do you know if/where I can find something like a 'list' of possible values for Current Profile, Book Type and Media Status?
  5. Ok, understood. I didn't want to bother you in any way!
  6. Why not 'immediately'?
  7. I've just tested version 2.1... and it works great! /closeinfo: OK Built syntax ( http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1848 ): OK (as documented) The only point (for me) is: /LOG "filename" doesn't work anymore (or it works, but only if 'Save the Log' is disabled in the 'global' events settings.)
  8. Is the new version already available?
  9. Dear LIGHTNING UK! 1024 thanks again. I'm happy looking forward to the new version!
  10. >what software could i use? GUI for DVDauthor: http://www.videohelp.com/~gfd/ (The next version will include automatic burning with imgburn )
  11. What is correct now??? My imgburn version is, 948.736 bytes from 05.08.2006 20:21 If I use a batch file with: imgburn /MODE ISOBUILD /BUILDMODE DEVICE /NOIMAGEDETAILS /SRC "D:\DVD\VIDEO_TS" /DEST N: /LOG test.log /START /CLOSE everything works fine. With /SRC "D:\DVD\VIDEO_TS\" nothing happens at all! (The batch file is started within the imgburn path, therefore no path info is necessary for imgburn and logfile)
  12. I have used a delay (up to 10 seconds), but probably your suggestion is correct that there is some hidden main window. I've used a code like this (pseudocode here): processid=shell imgburn /info wait 1 second loop check for file wait 5 seconds get hwnd from processid sendmessage wm_close to hwnd But as sendkeys with Alt F4 works, I will just use it. Thx!
  13. SendMessage(testhWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0) doesn't work (your programs seems to ignore it, no problem if testhWnd is \system32\calc.exe). But SendKeys "%{F4}" (Alt + F4) works!?
  14. Ok. I will try it.
  15. Dear LIGHTNING UK! 1024 thanks for the new version. It works very well. The new build mode is wonderfull! Also the /INFO works fine. The only thing I cannot find out: How can I use /INFO with something like /CLOSE ? I've tried a lot of combinations with /START, /CLOSE, /CLOSESUCCESS... but I've not found any way where imgburn closes its window after finish of /INFO. Is there a hidden option/trick I'm not able to find out or could this 'behaviour' be added?
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