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Everything posted by speedy

  1. guess what, im back with another problem well, i used dvd lab to make a dvd menu... im finished with creating it, but somehow dvd shrink wont read the files... normally im using divx to dvd converter to convert a movie first, then dvd shrink and then burn it with imgburn... the files for my project (dvd menu) are still BUP,IFO and VOB files... but neither divx converter or dvd shrink will read those files... dvd shrink gehts an error: DVD shrink encounted an error and cannot continue... someone got a clue for what i can do?
  2. couldn't somehow use imgtool classic.... but tried dvd shrink.. and it worked, im very grateful, thanks
  3. ye sry, that was from another post of mine in imgburn, cuz the imgburn didnt wanna read the files... also, i used the convert file that shamus gave me... i downloaded that and converted a movie... but then i got 2 BUP-files, 1 VOB-file and 2 IFO-files... and now, what the hell do i need to do? :S imgburn dont wanna read those files too... from another post of mine someone told me to download folder 2 iso... but well, that didnt help much....
  4. ehm... i tried to use imgburn too... but im not sure what kinda program i want and how to do it... i figured out myself that i needed to use the program "folder 2 iso"... then burn that with imgburn... but well, the last result was that i got a zip file... its like, what the heck do i need a zip file? i just want to burn a movie into dvd that old dvd players can read and play.... so its maybe just me choosing the wrong program or its me using the program wrong hopeless... dont know what to do right now...
  5. hmm... thats weird... i tried to convert the movie "bend it like beckham" and tried it on my dvd player... but it said "bad disc or bad file" i downloaded: Download [ DivXToDVD Converter 0.5.2b - Freeware ] site: http://www.free-codecs.com/DivXToDVD_download.htm tried that a few times and wasted a few dvd's, but the dvd player said the same thing over and over again.... anyone know what to do?
  6. heh... reading my mind, wanted to ask for that... thanks shamus
  7. i'll try that, thank you very much
  8. i have an old dvd player that cant play my mpg files... is it possible somehow to change mpg file to another one so that my dvd player can read the files? (not the dvd player in the computer, but the one for the tv )
  9. thanks, gonna take a try then
  10. hi i got some problem when i want to use imgburn... when i push the write button and opens my folder, i somehow cant see the files i want to burn.. no movies or/even music, pictures ect. i have "Filetype: All supported files" but i still cant see the files. when i push on "All Files (*.*)" then the files i want to burn shows up. but then im getting an error... "invalid or unsupported image file format" im not sure what to do :S can someone help me? its my first time with this so im not sure what to do.. and sry for my bad english... kinda confused these days
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