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Posts posted by weaver4

  1. You can't. The CUE can only be made within the GUI.


    Of course the CUE is just a text file anyway, you could build up your own if you like and then just burn it as an image file.


    I can do that. I don't need the play times in this file do I? It looks like they are commented out with "REM".

  2. I don't like ImgBurn being packaged with anything really. By all means link to it if it's on their system but I'd prefer it if you pointed them in the direction of the official site to download it if it's not.


    OK...the only thing that makes it a little clumsy for me is when I launch a batch file to build and write I don't know if imgburn.exe is in c:\program files\imgburn or c:\program files (x86)\imgburn. So I have to find that parameter and pass it to my batch file.

  3. I am making a "free" program that takes your favorite PodCast from the net downloads them and then burns a CD with them.

    It will do it automatically at a specified time. My thinking is that every morning I would have a new cd created with the latest podcast and grab the CD before I go out the door and listen to it on the way to work.


    I want to use ImgBurn (commandline mode) to actually burn the image and I wanted to know if it was OK to include it in my install package?

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