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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. I would like to see Disc Spanning added to ImgBurn, similar to as described below: http://www.howtogeek.com/76264/how-to-burn-data-across-multiple-dvd-or-cd-discs/ BTW, what is currently the best way of spanning files/folders across multiple DVD-R discs? Nice work with ImgBurn - please keep up the good work!
  2. I have a folder (around 15 GB) containing sub-folders and many files that I would like to burn to 4.7 GB DVD-Rs with ImgBurn. Are there any utilities that will automatically split this folder by creating copies locally into separate folders of 4.7 GB chunks, which I can then manually burn to DVD-R with ImgBurn? Ideally, something that is free, actively supported and preserves the folders/files "as is". Thanks.
  3. Many thanks for this useful explanation - it perfectly explains the created date/time behaviour of files (and folders) on my discs. I wasn't aware this functionality was present and by design. But now I know what to expect and why it happens, I'm happy leaving it as is, knowing my disc is compliant to the UDF standards.
  4. Could there be a possiblity that there is a bug in ImgBurn, where in some cases the creation date/time for a file is sometimes not written out to the disc when UDF 2.01 is used?
  5. I thought that if UDF 2.01 was used, then the created date/time would be the same on the CD-R as the source file on the hard drive? I looked at a DVD-R I burned using the same settings, and some files have the created date/time preserved, whereas other files on the same disc have the created date/time shown as the modified date/time. So the behaviour does not seem to be consistent?
  6. I made a data CD-R with ImgBurn, using ISO9660, Joliet and UDF 2.01. With each file on the disc, the created date/time shows the same as the modified date/time. Is this correct? This is not the case with the files I have on my hard drive (that I burnt to CD-R). I have "Use File Date & Time Selected". I am using Windows XP SP 3. Thanks for making ImgBurn, it is much appreciated.
  7. If an ISO file is burned to a DVD-R, then recreated as an ISO from the DVD-R, will the new ISO file be exactly the same as the original? Here is what I did: 1) Downloaded Linix Mint ISO from http://www.linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=106. 2) Checked the MD5 hash for this file was same as given on the Linux Mint site (using WinMD5Free from http://www.winmd5.com) - it was. 3) The ISO was burnt to DVD-R using ImgBurn 4) Later, I recreated the ISO (just as a test) on the hard drive from the DVD-R, using ImgBurn. I found that the ISO created with ImgBurn in step 4 was different to the ISO I download in step 1 (MD5 hash values are totally different). Could you please advise is this normal? Why should both files be different, if the ImgBurn ISO was effectively created from the downloaded ISO (via the DVD-R)? Thanks.
  8. Thanks for clarifying this.
  9. That explains it - many thanks for your reply.
  10. I notice after burning a disc, ImgBurn ejects the disc, then takes it back in again to verify. I just wondered why it needs to do this before verifying?
  11. I made a data DVD-R with ImgBurn, using ISO9660 and UDF. With each file on the disc, the created date/time shows the same as the modified date/time. Is this correct? This is not the case with the files I have on my hard drive (that I copied to DVD-R). I have "Use File Date & Time Selected".
  12. Assume I go to "Write files/folders to disc" and add a folder with "Browse for a folder...". Is there any way to specify folders and files to be excluded? For example, is it possible to say "Add all folders and files from C:\Internet Downloads\, but exclude the file Large_File.zip that is in there."?
  13. ImgBurn was able to show the media code for some Sony DVD-Rs I have. However, I tried it with a couple of different brands of CD-Rs (Kodak and Tesco) and it did not show any media code. Is it that all CD-Rs don't have media codes, or just some CD-Rs? If a disc does not have a media code, then how does ImgBurn determine what the maximum write speed would be for that particular media?
  14. I notice DVD-R discs I have burnt in the past with Nero 7 Essentials use ISO9660 and Joliet. However, ImgBurn defaults to ISO9660 and UDF. Could you please advise which of these would be best to use for general burning of files for backup, or should I choose a different one?
  15. After a DVD-R or CD-R (not RW) has been finalised, is it safe to assume that no software application could unintentionally change or erase information on the disc?
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