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russ_palmeri's Achievements

ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Thanks, guys! I really enjoy using ImgBurn. I just downloaded a DVD file from a Star Trek fan site (they are making new episodes!) and am burning it now. http://www.startreknewvoyages.com/1024/home.php Russ P.
  2. I'm getting many coasters! I'd like to use the test mode, but when I check the Test Mode button, I get a message: "Test Mode is not supported by the current media (DVD+R). Data WILL actually be written to the disc. Would you lke to continue anyway?" I get the message with DVD+R and DVD+RW discs. Is there some way to verify an ISO image before coaster creation? I'm running windoz XP Home SP-2. My burner is a USB connected Memorex DVD16+/-DL4RWID2
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