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Everything posted by azdood

  1. Thanks. I'm learning as I go. Learning to read these graphs is next. Here's what it looks like after I followed Cynthia's advice. It looks a lot different. Will not verifying against the image file cause any loss of quality to the final disc? Your help is really appreciated. I am especially grateful now because I just installed a new burner. Thanks again.
  2. Thanks Cynthia. I found it and unchecked it. I've never used that particular window, but I'm sure it all feeds together. I've used only the main screen for burning which has a "verify" box.
  3. "Use Verify mode on one of those new burns but turn off the option to compare against and image file - that way it'll just be your dvd drive doing the work." Where do I turn off that option? I looked all over the settings and didn't see it. Thanks for your help with this. David
  4. No. I do everything seperately. There is a direct link from DVDShrink to IMGBurn though. Once the Shrink is done it sends it to IMG. David
  5. Here's another. I don't know which is the one that had the buffers jumping...
  6. Sorry. That was the first time I used the program. Here's a better one....
  7. Open that file. ImgBurn exports the graph data automatically. To do that you can either load dvdinfopro, click the ibg button and load it or you can just double click the file in question - dvdinfopro should automatically load it (assuming it's registered the .ibg file association properly - you might need to run it once to do that). Here's a attachment of a sceen shot of the data...
  8. Thanks for working with me on this. I got as far as "user" but "application data" wasn't listed. There was a file for IMGBurn logs, but I emptied that yesterday because the files were ages old. Nothing new as been added to it even though I've burned several discs and have "save log" checked. I found a "application data" in "all users" but it only have Microsoft/Internet Explorer listed. Thanks again. David
  9. How do I do that? I found the DVDInfoPro link in "file" but it said I'd actually have to burn something first. When I searched for the burn file on the burn in question it was empty even though I have "save log" checked. I found that file in C\:, User, IMGBurn Logs. Thanks. David
  10. Hello - I just burned a DVD disc and during the verify process the image buffer shot from 100% to 20% to 100% again and kept up this back and forth frenzy for the entire process with the device buffer kicking in a back and forth of its own now and then. I was sure the disc would get a failing grade, but at the end of it all it said the burn was successful. I wonder how that could be with the buffers going crazy like they did. Doesn't that mean I have trouble with the disc or image file? I'd appreciate your help with this. I've included the log hoping that might shed some light on this. Thanks. David I 18:14:25 ImgBurn Version started! I 18:14:25 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 18:14:25 Total Physical Memory: 523,568 KB - Available: 208,980 KB I 18:14:25 Initialising SPTI... I 18:14:25 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 18:14:25 Found 1 DVD
  11. I tried several players with the same lousy results. Would DVDShrink have anything to do with it? By the way, I have "Enable email notification of relies" checked but I'm not receiving any emails. What gives?
  12. A movie.
  13. Hello - My final disc looks and works great except the volume is so low I can hardly hear it. I have "save log" checked but couldn't find the log for this one. I'd appreciate any help with this. Thanks. David
  14. Thanks. I was thinking the slower the better. I appreciate you straightening me out. Boy, that avatar is really distracting!
  15. Hello - Some time ago I was having trouble with final discs stalling and freezing and sent in the log to get your input. Cynthia pointed out that my DVD/CD drive was rather old and that's what was causing the problem. She also said that since I was using Verbadim blank discs, burning them at 4X was too slow and that might be causing a problem also. I tried to get a copy of that old post but it has since been deleted. My question is: I'm confused about the 4X speed being a potential problem. A long time ago I was having trouble getting good quality copies and someone suggested that I slow down the burn speed for a better copy. So I'm confused. Does slowing down the burn speed effect the quality in a bad way or good way? I'd appreciate your help with this and my apologies if I misunderstood what Cynthia meant in the first place. Thanks. David
  16. I will be replacing my current - screwed up - drive with the Pioneer Locoeng recommended. I looked up my old drive at Dell and found out that it is indeed an IDE drive. Nothing to post from IMGBurn yet since I'm shut down until the new drive arrives. I really apprecite the help all of you have given. Thanks so much. David
  17. Thank you. Is there any other way of finding out other than taking my tower cover off? David
  18. Then again, I'm not sure. I thought it was IDE but looked and couldn't find that info. Where would I find that? It was'nt in the 'properties' file.
  19. It's IDE. That's really thoughtful of you. Thank you again.
  20. Great. Thanks very much. I really appreciate it. David
  21. Hello - I'm looking for a good deal for a new DVD/CD RW drive that supports both + and -. Awhile back one of you showed me a great deal at Newegg but it has been discontinued and I just now can afford to get one. I'd really appreciate your help with this since I don't know one brand from another. Thanks
  22. I checked out that Pioneer unit and I'm going to get it. It got great reviews and the price is certainly right. I called them and it has an IDE connection which the salesman said is the same as a PATA; just another name for it. Thanks so much for your help with this. I really appreciate it. David
  23. You have to clue me in - what's the Egg? I'm not real computer savvy and I was wondering if I could install just any burner or do I have to get my computer's specs and go from there? And how would I do that without calling Dell, something I swore I'd never ever do again? I really appreciate your help with this. David
  24. I guess it's time to upgrade. I still can't get used to something that is three years old is an antique. Thanks for your help with this. It's been driving me nuts. David
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