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Posts posted by apronk

  1. I just wanted to point out some Information about the way ImgBurn sets SPTI access for non-admins.

    As most of you know, the ImgBurn installer sets SPTI acces by way of registry, setting the "allocatecdroms" value in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon to 1. And as LIGHTNING UK! pointed out (and added warning to the installer) this may break LightScribe software.

    However, this is due to bad programming on the LightScribe software part.

    To explain this, I'll go a little deeper in what Windows actually does. Windows (by default since Windows 2000) sees a CDROM drive as a volume and therefore shares it by default.

    So by default your CD-ROM is enabled for access by other computers (like \\computername\f$).

    When "Allocatecdroms" is set to 1, the CD-ROM drives are restricted by only giving the "NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE" user Full Access.

    This means that only the current logged on user has access to the CDROM's, thus meaning that anyone else is denied access.

    If LightScribe software is run as another user (for instance the Service it might use it started as NETWORK SERVICE or SYSTEM) it can't access the CD-ROM and thats why you get errors in those programs.

    Setting the "allocatecdroms" value back to 0 fixes the LightScribe software again, but disallows users that do not have Local Admin privileges to Access CD-ROM's via ImgBurn.

  2. Since I couln't reply with my freshly registered account to the announcement forum, I figured I'd post my dislike towards the new version here.


    I thought, hey a new version of ImgBurn! As a Loving fan of ImgBurn, I posted several praising comments about it on m favorite dutch news site tweakers(dot)net.

    Only to find out that my favorite burning program has turned evil, adding a (debatable) "hidden" menu option to install some icon crap that lead to other programs no-one asks for or has a need for when installing ImgBurn. Now I understand that a single programmer needs some kind of funding to keep such a great program up-to-date with new features, bug-fixing and testing of drives.

    I thought that was what the Donate part was for. But still I can understand adding things to the installer to indeed get some needed funds, hard work should be rewarded.


    But it is entirely questionable "hiding" those adware stuff in the installer options under "icons".

    Moreover it is downright misleading adding them under the Tools menu of the program itself.

    Like I said it is a free program, therefor pretty much solely at the author's discretion of what he decides to do with it. But a vast community should count for something.

    This has happened many times in the past (DivX anyone?) to it will probably end up having 1 free version with adware and one "pro" version without, which will costs a slight amount of money.

    After that the adware version will vanish and diminish the name of ImgBurn and only the pro one will survive in a lesser degree and become just "one of the burning programs".


    This is the beginning of the end. The dismay of ImgBurn to paint a grim picture...

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