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Posts posted by paulix

  1. ImgBurn uses standard Windows open file dialog, so some extension you have installed on your system is messing up that function.


    One workaround is to double click on the ISO image in Windows Explorer/My Computer and that will open ImgBurn with that image loaded.


    Yes, it's possible.

    And..Do you have experience, which may cause errors in Windows open file dialog?


    Thanks for the advice.

  2. Hi...


    I already wrote once that I have problems with variations in Device Buffer and I think the problem is with SATA, because through IDE is everything ok.

    (Apparently because I do not have AHCI...)




    But now I have another problem, of ImgBurn freezes when unable to open an ISO file.

    My link

    ImgBurn must be forcibly shut down...but windows and other programs normally work on.


    Approximately 3-4 times to re-start, but it happens the same.

    Only after several attempts it succeeds.


    It is between these two issues same link?


    Thanks (and sory for poor English, because my assistant was just "google translate":)


  3. The LiteOn Atapi iHAS 124 Y is a rebadged Optiarc AD-7240S and the graph looks like those use to look with the drops.


    The part after 4GB looks odd in your graph - is that true Verbatims?




    This is one of my burns with an Optiarc AD-7240S.




    You should use Verify to see that graph also.




    You have win7 or xp?32 or 64 bit?

    Because I think,that xp was better for filling device buffer (also write speed).

  4. Hi



    I bought new

    LiteOn Atapi iHAS 124 Y ata Device

    and i have already these attempts try:


    -Ultra DMA is ok (UDMA 5)

    -Firmware updated (SB02)

    -SATA Ports changed

    -Sata cables changed

    -DVDs changed (DVD+R Verbatim - azo tech.)



    Only ImgBurn is running,but device buffer is my adversary all the time:a


    Here - dvd iso (film) burned in new Lite on,speed 8x, dvd Verbatim DVD+R



  5. have you tried under a different I/O


    dontasciime Thank you for your complaisance :thumbup:

    You think...i should change the interface?

    Now there is SPTI-it’s the best chance...Is it?

    ASPI,ASAPI IS out of action




    What is the best Interface for quality burning in ImgBurn?


    Device buffer...is it the same,as DVDRW Cash memory(2MB)?


    Buffer recovery thresholds - I have set on 100% . . .Is it good idea?




    Checked which sata port is in use for Optical drive.




    Have you checked your hard disk for errors . Defragged it.


    defragmentation is not necessary



    Stopped or removed Duplex secures SPTD.


    alreday successfully removed


    Virus scanning schedules.


    I disallow antivir.+antispy. in ESS4 before burning




    AHCI or IDE in Bios for sata devices ?)

    -I haven’t this chance in Bios,but I saw,that there is Enabled IDE for SATA dev.


    eg indexing, locate 32, windows search etc.


    Set a power profile to always use full power of cpu.



    pls,help me with this,what do you think




  7. Burn (waste) a disc in discovery mode. That rules out your HDD as the data is generated in memory.


    SB02 firmware can be downloaded from here:




    I have updated SB02 firmware,and

    burned a disc in discovery mode,i don’t know, what I shall do with this dvd.

    I burn with speed 8x.


    Pls,tell me, what causes decline in Device Buffer, Write speed+RPM...

    -Win 7?

    -TSST corp.SH-S223C?

    -Dvd Medium (Verbatim DVD-R)

    -another hardware?

    -another software?





    -in graph is only soft decline,but sometimes it’s more.



  8. Can you post the full log having burnt + verifed a disc please.



    Nice to read you Admin...

    You are really creator of excellent ImgBurn software? :thumbup:


    for now this dvd info-i got in log only 2 dvd with bigest problems

    11.3.2010- with SPTD

    18.3.2010- WITHOUT SPTD





    ; //****************************************\\

    ; ImgBurn Version - Log

    ; štvrtok, 18 marec 2010, 21:58:57

    ; \\****************************************//



    I 21:43:44 ImgBurn Version started!

    I 21:43:44 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (6.1, Build 7600)

    I 21:43:44 Total Physical Memory: 2 096 312 KB - Available: 1 332 616 KB

    I 21:43:44 Initialising SPTI...

    I 21:43:44 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

    I 21:43:45 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM!

    I 21:44:14 Operation Started!

    I 21:44:14 Source File: C:\iso\Harry Potter (6) DVD CZ Full SeBo.iso

    I 21:44:14 Source File Sectors: 2 282 976 (MODE1/2048)

    I 21:44:14 Source File Size: 4 675 534 848 bytes

    I 21:44:14 Source File Volume Identifier: Harry Potter (6) DVD CZ Full SeBo

    I 21:44:14 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 3C656A8C________Harry Potter (6) DVD CZ Full SeBo

    I 21:44:14 Source File Implementation Identifier: VsoSoftware

    I 21:44:14 Source File File System(s): ISO9660; UDF (1.02)

    I 21:44:14 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C SB01 (E:) (ATA)

    I 21:44:14 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: MCC 03RG20) (Speeds: 4x; 8x; 12x; 16x; 20x; 22x)

    I 21:44:14 Destination Media Sectors: 2 297 888

    I 21:44:14 Write Mode: DVD

    I 21:44:14 Write Type: DAO

    I 21:44:14 Write Speed: 8x

    I 21:44:14 Link Size: Auto

    I 21:44:14 Lock Volume: Yes

    I 21:44:14 Test Mode: No

    I 21:44:14 OPC: No

    I 21:44:14 BURN-Proof: Enabled

    I 21:44:15 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)

    I 21:44:15 Writing LeadIn...

    I 21:44:51 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2282975)

    I 21:44:51 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2282975)

    W 21:49:52 Waiting for buffers to recover... (LBA: 1497024)

    W 21:49:57 Waiting for hard disk activity to reach threshold level...

    I 21:50:04 Writing Sectors...

    W 21:51:26 Waiting for buffers to recover... (LBA: 1881920)

    W 21:51:50 Waiting for hard disk activity to reach threshold level...

    I 21:54:01 Writing Sectors...

    W 21:54:43 Failed to Write Sectors 1881920 - 1881951 - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:43 Retrying (1 of 20)...

    W 21:54:43 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:43 Retrying (2 of 20)...

    W 21:54:43 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:43 Retrying (3 of 20)...

    W 21:54:43 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:43 Retrying (4 of 20)...

    W 21:54:43 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (5 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (6 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (7 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (8 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (9 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (10 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (11 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (12 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (13 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (14 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (15 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (16 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (17 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (18 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (19 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:54:44 Retrying (20 of 20)...

    W 21:54:44 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:55:25 Retrying (21)...

    W 21:55:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:55:27 Retrying (22)...

    W 21:55:27 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:55:28 Retrying (23)...

    W 21:55:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:55:28 Retrying (24)...

    W 21:55:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:55:28 Retrying (25)...

    W 21:55:28 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:55:29 Retrying (26)...

    W 21:55:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:55:29 Retrying (27)...

    W 21:55:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:55:29 Retrying (28)...

    W 21:55:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    W 21:55:29 Retrying (29)...

    W 21:55:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    E 21:55:29 Failed to Write Sectors 1881920 - 1881951 - Reason: Command Sequence Error

    I 21:55:30 Synchronising Cache...

    W 21:56:29 User opted to skip the 'Close Track/Session/Disc' functions.

    E 21:56:29 Failed to Write Image!

    I 21:56:29 Exporting Graph Data...

    I 21:56:29 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Pauli\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_SH-S223C_SB01_18-MAREC-2010_21-44_MCC_03RG20_8x.ibg

    I 21:56:29 Export Successfully Completed!

    E 21:56:29 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:12:15

    I 21:56:29 Average Write Rate: 5 899 KB/s (4.3x) - Maximum Write Rate: 11 424 KB/s (8.2x)

    I 21:58:56 Close Request Acknowledged

    I 21:58:56 Closing Down...

    I 21:58:56 Shutting down SPTI...

    I 21:58:56 ImgBurn closed!



    ; //****************************************\\

    ; ImgBurn Version - Log

    ; štvrtok, 11 marec 2010, 14:26:50

    ; \\****************************************//



    I 14:17:09 ImgBurn Version started!

    I 14:17:09 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (6.1, Build 7600)

    I 14:17:09 Total Physical Memory: 2 096 312 KB - Available: 1 055 844 KB

    W 14:17:09 SPTD can have a detrimental effect on drive performance.

    I 14:17:09 Initialising SPTI...

    I 14:17:09 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

    I 14:17:09 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM and 1 BD-ROM/HD DVD-ROM!

    I 14:17:30 Operation Started!

    I 14:17:30 Source File: C:\iso\Valkyra.2008.DVDR.CZ-TreZzoR.iso

    I 14:17:30 Source File Sectors: 2 289 408 (MODE1/2048)

    I 14:17:30 Source File Size: 4 688 707 584 bytes

    I 14:17:30 Source File Volume Identifier: Valkyra.2008.DVDR.CZ-TreZzoR

    I 14:17:30 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 3C697DAD________Valkyra.2008.DVDR.CZ-TreZzoR

    I 14:17:30 Source File Implementation Identifier: VsoSoftware

    I 14:17:30 Source File File System(s): ISO9660; UDF (1.02)

    I 14:17:30 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C SB01 (E:) (ATA)

    I 14:17:30 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: MCC 03RG20) (Speeds: 4x; 8x; 12x; 16x; 20x; 22x)

    I 14:17:30 Destination Media Sectors: 2 298 496

    I 14:17:30 Write Mode: DVD

    I 14:17:30 Write Type: DAO

    I 14:17:30 Write Speed: 8x

    I 14:17:30 Link Size: Auto

    I 14:17:30 Lock Volume: Yes

    I 14:17:30 Test Mode: No

    I 14:17:30 OPC: No

    I 14:17:30 BURN-Proof: Enabled

    I 14:17:30 Filling Buffer... (203 MB)

    I 14:17:32 Writing LeadIn...

    I 14:18:08 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2289407)

    I 14:18:08 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2289407)

    W 14:20:10 Waiting for buffers to recover... (LBA: 560352)

    W 14:20:11 Waiting for hard disk activity to reach threshold level...

    I 14:20:16 Writing Sectors...

    W 14:23:50 Waiting for buffers to recover... (LBA: 1699328)

    W 14:23:51 Waiting for hard disk activity to reach threshold level...

    I 14:24:06 Writing Sectors...

    I 14:26:15 Synchronising Cache...

    I 14:26:36 Exporting Graph Data...

    I 14:26:36 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Pauli\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_SH-S223C_SB01_11-MAREC-2010_14-17_MCC_03RG20_8x.ibg

    I 14:26:36 Export Successfully Completed!

    I 14:26:36 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:09:06

    I 14:26:36 Average Write Rate: 9 402 KB/s (6.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 11 353 KB/s (8.2x)

    I 14:26:36 Cycling Tray before Verify...

    W 14:26:43 Waiting for device to become ready...

    I 14:26:48 Abort Request Acknowledged

    E 14:26:48 Device Not Ready - Reason: Logical Unit is in process of becoming ready

    E 14:26:48 Operation Aborted!

    I 14:26:50 Close Request Acknowledged

    I 14:26:50 Closing Down...

    I 14:26:50 Shutting down SPTI...

    I 14:26:50 ImgBurn closed!



  9. Hallo Friends...


    First place-excuse me my crocky English.

    I use ImgBurn for a long time -perfect program for burning iso files.

    I had old PC compilation-far worse than i have now,but in that old compil.ran ImgBurn much better than in this newer compiplation


    MB:Asus P5KPL/EPU*

    CPU:Intel Core 2 Duo E7400, LGA 775,2.8 GHz, FSB 1066 MHz,Cache 3 MB*

    VGA: Asus EAH 4670 , 512MB DDR3,HDMI*

    RAM:Kingston 2GB, DDR2,800 MHz*

    HDD:Samsung SATA II 500 GB,7200 ot.,Cache 16 MB*

    Zdroj:SAGA II 500 W*

    DVDRW TSSTcorp.SH-S223C -SATA II* I prefer media Verbatim

    OS:Windows 7 32 bit*


    What ran better in old compil.?

    DEVICE BUFFER,MAIN BUFFER WERE filled on 100% all the time and WRITING SPEED was exactly 8x all the time -

    but now is generally Device buffer very variable and WRITING SPEED also.

    Sometimes,displays alarm message-waiting for buffer recovery,hard disk activity...and WRITING SPEED stops.

    Such another film dvd makes problems,when I put it in DVD Player,film slows in that place..


    Where is conspiracy :huh:


    Tkanks for every acumen

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