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  1. kamikaza

    wrong disk

    Thank you,that is what i was afraid.I guess my friend's dvd player plays avi files.
  2. kamikaza

    wrong disk

    Sorry for not responding sooner.It is an AVI file.
  3. kamikaza

    wrong disk

    I apologize for not responding sooner.No it can not.It plays pretty much everything but it does not plays "computer" type files.
  4. kamikaza

    wrong disk

    Hi people!I'm new with imgburn.I was told by a friend of mine that i can burn dvd disk (I used memorex dvd-rw)that plays in dvd player.Unfortunately that's not the case.After many attempts my dvd player says wrong disk which by the way plays in the computer.By the way i tried using avi movie files on my computer with imgburn.Can this work at all?I killed my self trying.Thanks!
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