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Everything posted by jmminphxaz

  1. 15: RSM cannot manage library CdRom0. The database is corrupt .. blah, blah, blah. The error is being generated by the Removable Storage Manager; and my guess is that if you upgraded from NT you will find RSM is an enabled service (start type Automatic), and unless you are part of a network (large) and have tape and disk archives (with people mounting tapes and disks for you based on system requests) you don't need it running. RSM causes all kinds of flaky errors and coaster generation. SO ... in XP go START >> CONTROL PANEL >> ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS >> SERVICES Scroll down and find the service "Removable Storage" Select it >> Right click and select PROPERTIES. Midway down Use the drop down list to change the STARTUP TYPE to MANUAL. Click APPLY Then under SERVICE STATUS click STOP. After the service stops, click OK and then exit the SERVICES tool. Reboot just to keep everything happy. And you should have a whole disdain for M$oft. I found this out a while back - I went from 50% RIDATA DVD+R D/L coasters to 0% coasters (unless I screw the iso up that is). Hope it helps! I would also (as suggested) follow the same steps and kill off the IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service unless you actually use it.
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